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Posts posted by bmck

  1. del' pals son :thup:


    from the the start we were lost it looked like we are the away team.......every game we play the noo it pisses me right off ...


    thats what i meant to say. :$ he was cool though, i'm sure he'd make you a good son. :)


    but aye, you're totally right about being the away team. deplorable.

  2. i left at 80 minutes because i wasnt sitting with my mrs and she wasn't used to ibrox - didn't want to miss her in the crowds.


    it was a horrible night (del and his son's good company aside). a small boy sitting next to me said "big man, you ever seen rangers play as bad as this?" to which i could only reply "no in my lifetime wee man, and certainly no in yours..".


    bad days.

  3. He does sound about patronising but he is still trying his best to get a support motivated.


    its stupidity to think that motivation can be artificially generated. we didn't need motivated when we had a team worth shouting about - to think that rangers problems can be patched over by a condescending announcer is stupidity, imho.

  4. I need to ask this and this is only for a certin few posters here, why all the murray hate, nearly every day there's some kind of thread berating mr chairman?


    because he's running the club into the ground, and anyone who cant see it is blind.

  5. If your car breaks down and it cost a fortune to replace it, as you need, then you have to just go and replace it regardless of the cost.

    Our season tickets are expensive,compared to DM puting in a good few million, but we buy them.We need a couple of quality players now not next season WATP.


    aye, but if a car breaks for us, we'll go and repair it. i dont think dm sees us as broke yet. :|:mad:

  6. Certainly that's what we need desperately. If I had one main criticism of david Murray over the last 20 years is that everything was done on a reactionary basis - not one of planning and long term strategy.


    That should be the first pre-requisite of any new owner(s).


    agreed. i'll suffer hardship for a plan. if i believe in where we're going i'll do my best not to moan when, in the process of getting there, we stumble along the way. but now its aimless suffering - the fans aren't suffering for a greater good, we're suffering for imcompetence and apathy at the highest level.


    and its not good enough.

  7. got to be hutton for me. i think bardsley may in fact be a better player, but hutton will be here after christmas, and i think i would rather have hutton with X many games extra experience, than a slightly better player for those games, then with hutton afterwards.

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