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Posts posted by bmck

  1. Have to agree with the general view that an experienced commanding centre half is required...someone in the Goughie mould. The current situation at Hearts is worth keeping an eye on, especially Elvis's. I think he would be a great sigining in January on a 2 year deal. He knows what the clubs all about and would help 'fire' the team up and the likes of Svensson could learn a lot from him. Craig Gordon would be unaffordable and don't think Hartley would come to Rangers.


    As for Kevin Thomson and Scott Brown from Hibs, I think they would be fantastic signings but with all the supposed Premiership interest in them I think you'd be looking at �£3million MINIMUM for the 2 of them especially as they are both on long term contracts. The only way we could afford them is getting through the UEFA cup group and disposing of some of the 'dead wood' at Ibrox, the likes of Gavin Rae, perhaps Nacho, Fernando Ricksen. They'll also be taking into account the fact that a high earner like Stefan Klos will be off the payroll in the summer.






    good first post - pretty much spot on.


    welcome to the boards.

  2. I find it hard to believe anyone could relate the two cases and to me it disrespectfully waters down the memory of why the young soldiers died, as it categorises them as just an every day death rather than a very tragic and poignant one.


    a minute's silence is (was?) the footballing equivilant of "showing your respect", regardless if its a member of the royal family, the pope, september 11 or a legend passing away. the issue is not whether one of these is more tragic or not, but whether we should be forced to pay our respects in a new way just because you (or anyone) think(s) its more suitable.


    it may be more suitable, for the reasons you have argued - but we needn't accept your initial premise that there should be different sorts of responses to different sorts of events. you may say there should be, others may say "this is what we do to show our respect".


    in other words, your argument is like this:


    1. different sorts of respect are appropriate for different sorts of event

    2. a silence is more befitting a tragedy, a clap is more befitting the timely death of an entertainer


    3. bobby shearer (an entertainer) should be clapped


    we can logically accept that 3 follows 2, but we needn't accept 1.


    it can be equally argued


    1. a minute's silence is how respect is paid at football matches


    3. bobby shearer should have a silence


    the problem isnt the logic of your argument, but the view you have as to what "should" be done.

  3. Ah ok. So people are now saying that the fans who attacked the other fans weren't Rangers fans? I can see why these things get heated but to attack your own fans is ludicrous.


    the reporting of it on the rangers website suggested that the Knights of Virtue merely 'overpowered' the Demons of Rebellion, not mentioning that young children were (apparently, from what i've read etc) spat on and subject to the general verbal abuse by the Knights of Virtue.

  4. Absolutely mate, and I'm genuienly mindful that there is an element of responsibility required also. Tried to douse the content down as best I could, but understand exactly what youo are saying. The info/heads up, came to me from someone I trust who was there and his perception of events. I'm minded to stay calm, but the thought is very worrying


    yeah, the very fact that this could even have been perceived, the very fact that the whole thing even happened, is very worrying indeed.


    what this does show, beyond any reasonable doubt, is that there is a deep deep divide appearing in the rangers support.


    at one extreme there are those (potentially with good reason) who believe that dm is so much of a dictator that he would cause (or give the nod to) actual trouble, and then misrepresent it via the website as propaganda.


    at the other is those who believe that dm is our pontiff and all he says is ex cathedra.


    most fall in somewhere in the middle, but i still think most tend towards the latter.

  5. Perhaps everyone who attends Swinecastle this Sunday could take along one of the items below and wave it at them,as this is where their beloved stadium is about to find itself under.





    that'd be funny. :thup:


    of course, they could just come to us with 'Barrat Homes' signs, the way things are going with murray.

  6. It's circumstances that will matter here,not how good a player A,B or C is i think..


    They know we want rid of him...They know he wants to stay with them...They can walk away if we talk funny money,and are left with a problem player no one in Europe seems interested in,that's why i reckon we'll accept a million so as to alleviate any unecessary haggling over him.


    aye, true. unfortunate that its the case, but you are right.

  7. I have no doubts about their quality as well as others from the Hibs team but one thing about that team is that it's very inconsisant and that is usually put down to inexperience.


    There is an old wisdom I agree with that you have to get the right blend of youth and experience and I put some of our problems down to not getting that right.


    Alan Hansen said, "you don't win anything with kids" and then Sir Alex went out and provided the exception that proves that rule... ;)


    yup, it is about balance. just now the balance isn't good, but i still think we should get scott brown if we have the chance. he's a good player.

  8. To be honest, much as I like those players, the last thing we need is more players in their early twenties.


    I may be breaking the new ageism law here, but I really would like us to bring in a couple of seasoned campaigners. The priority for me is a big dominant centre half and big target man centre forward, both with a never say die attitude.


    I want us to compete for the ball in both boxes.


    i disagree - i think a player like scott brown is exactly what we need. being young doesn't necessarly preclude quality, and i think in his case that is what we would be getting.


    i'd say, in his football development, he seems to be around the same level as clement.


    though i agree we need a centre half first.

  9. Was it another fan, or was it a deliberately 'created' letter to put pressure on TBO?


    very sinister suspicions there. what do you think this is? a conspiracy?


    next you'll be saying that they would be so sinister as to paint a violent and verbal attack on a peaceful protest in a good light.



  10. But is he holding us to ransom or is Bain offering him a pittance? 10 grand a week should be enough for him but maybe he's being offered 5. We need to keep the wage bill down but we also have to give players what they are worth or what they can get elsewhere.


    Using the usual clich�© - if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.


    i agree. its all just speculation (which is why i tend not to comment on it).


    burke's an enigma. he's a consistent performer, but injured quite a lot.


    but we definitely miss him in the side.

  11. I thought the precedent for the minutes applause was for George Best...


    and the italians before that.


    nonetheless - i can see why we should fight for our traditions. it just feels like the clubs doing ANOTHER thing to deny your average fan.


    but you cant argue with the family's wishes, even if it was manufactured by the club.

  12. I think we miss Burke, he is good at getting up front and crossing into the box!


    we do miss him, i totally agree. he's an excellent player, and a great prospect, and i wouldn't want to lose him. that being said, he does injury easily and if he's holding us to ransom, then he can go.

  13. I was disappointed in the first place that McGregor was dropped for Letizi and will feel the same if it happens again.


    In saying that I think Letizi will come back in and think PLG see's McGregor as a longer term option after Letizi raps it.


    thats my thoughts.

  14. The rules:


      This thread is for false Murray promises, as a point of reference for any future debate on the matter.

      Only direct quotes should be included - any paraphrasing will be deleted as it must have some integrity as a resource.

      Try to number them so we can refer to "Murray thread - point 6" or whatever, but its not essential as I'll keep it tidy.


    If anyone disagrees that one of these is a false promise start a new thread to discuss it. disputed points will be in red




    1. "when we make the changes, and if people are not happy, then protest all you want" - Evening Times - Darrell King 10/02/06


    2. "there is a massive moonbeam of success waiting for us" - Darrell King 10/02/06


    3. "There is going to be a major financial input to the club" - Darrell King 10/02/06

  15. i'm thinking of making a "false murray promises" thread and stickying it to the top of the forum as a point of reference for those who defend murray (obviously other than people like beattie who admit he's arsed us about, but we really dont have much choice but to put up with it).

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