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Posts posted by bmck

  1. Think Sir Alex will be field basically a full strength team against Celtic and because of that I expect them to win. After their shock loss against FC Copenhagen and their experiences last season they'll be wanting to get qualification to the next stage out of the way asap and by winning against Celtic they'd make certain of winning the group as well.


    The fact that the game is today ( Tuesday ) and they don't play Chelsea till Sunday means they have the best part of a week to prepare themselves for that big game so can play all their big players tonight. I expect Paul Scholes and Wayne Rooney to cause them serious problems. Scholes basically gets free role in the Man United team and think it will be upto Lennon to keep an eye on him. Add into this the fact that Rooney also likes to drop off the front and old gingernut could have his work cut out.





    agree with your analysis. lennon will have to be at his best not to have a torrid time. i would like a resounding man u win, but celtic are, no doubt, a decent side at home.

  2. Here we go punters, Ladbrokes coupon.


    Man UTD 10/11

    Chelsea 6/4

    Rangers 2/1

    �£10 stake pays out �£143.18, so that's my bet on for the week, another donation no doubt.


    know nothing about betting, but this looks solid to me. a tenner on that pays out 143? thats class.

  3. Funny on the same day they are accused of racism by their own club...


    Not to say they are racist but it shows you can pull out the bigotted card any time you like without explaining it properly.


    The patheticness of the article is that it doesn't explain what it was exactly that was bigotted...


    It's easy to go on about battle cries but what is wrong with that? Gerry McNee thinks that following your team to Dublin is sectarian..., Spiers thinks Derry's Walls and the Sash are sectarian, the Tims think the bouncy, the national anthem, the Great Escape and the Dambusters are sectarian...


    A load of people think the use of the Irish F word is sectarian when it's used by Celtic fans and some Irish to decribe themselves...


    So, if someone is going to accuse us of sectarianism, please would they include the offensive words and explain why they are so offensive!


    I'm not saying Rangers fans aren't offensive but it's just too easy to sling mud without explaining yourself.


    There are many songs I'd like to get rid of but I'm not going to take mock offence at songs that although are nothing to do with Rangers, are not sectarian in any way.


    i think you should post that in response to their article.

  4. He does seem to be a bit of a liability sometimes.


    I'd take Pressley for free and on a modest wage (say 12 grand a week) for a year and a half.


    aye, my objection to neilson isn't anything other than the fact he's a horrible football player. he got sent off three games in a row at the beginning of the season, i think, and was made to look like a right eejit by left wingers four games in a row (that i seen).


    i think even calling him a footballer is to overstretch the definition of the word.



  5. both Rafa and Steve MacLaren seem to have trouble getting best out him because they feel they have better players in the central midfield position, Xabi Alonso for Liverpool and Frank Lampard for England.


    i dont think its so much that they think xa and fl are better (surely not!), but that they just cant play out wide.

  6. ALLAN McGREGOR has been given a massive vote of confidence by manager Paul Le Guen.


    Lionel Letizi and Allan McGregorThe young Scot will keep his place in the side for Sunday's massive clash at Hearts - even although Lionel Letizi is back to full fitness.


    Manager Paul Le Guen disappointed McGregor earlier this season when he brought Letizi back into the side when McGregor had succcessfully deputised for eight matches.


    However, the Rangers boss has now decided that Letizi will have to fight to win his place back.


    PLG said: "Lionel is fight to play but he will not come back into the team for Sunday's match.


    "I think we need stability and in the circumstances it's better for the team if Allan stays in. It's up to Lionel to win his place back."


    for you lazy people. :)

  7. Barry and chilled bear, I think you missed my point completely. I think a minutes silence OR applause are BOTH reasonably appropriate for Bobby Shearer. It's reasonably arbitrary which one you pick. Thinking logically, my own PERSONAL conclusion is that the applause is slightly more appropriate for an entertainer without a tragic death.


    ah right. get you now.

  8. I wonder when their contracts are up? By the sound of things, if we had the cash available, we could probably get in there early and get at least one of them signed.


    they are still contracted for a long while, apparently. i remember reading that big tony m's legacy to hibs was getting all the promising youngsters tied up on long contracts.

  9. I agree there should always be options but as i said before because something is classed as a tradition it does not mean we have to stick to it whatever.


    yeah, but it also doesn't mean that just because we can change, we should. there's arguments on both sides, is my point.


    Rangers probably have set a precedent but unfortunatly the ignorance of a few idiot supporters have probably brought it on them. It is not nice for the family to hear these idiots break the silence.


    this is what annoys me. i've never been to a minute's silence at ibrox that hasn't been perfectly observed. we get enough of a bad press from the media without people like you, rangers fans, falsely believing that there are idiots at ibrox who spoil the minutes silences for the family.

  10. If his family chose that tribute then yes. Please don't bring his families intelligence into debate by saying they were manipulated from other sources.


    That is your choice barry his family obviously think different.


    my argument wasn't really about the actual circumstances - but about calscot's line of thinking. after his family said it there was simply no choice, i agree (though i dont think its calling his family's intelligence into question to say that something along the lines of the club phoning and saying "is it ok if we do a clap instead of a silence? and they said 'yes', which turned into 'the family want it').


    i was replying to calscot's argument that it was (in every case) more appropriate to clap entertainers than have a minute's silence. i was just showing thats not necessarily true. and that those who prefer a minute's silence aren't wrong to prefer it.


    Personally i think it is, as they spend their whole life trying to get applause, why should it be any different in death? I still believe it should be his\hers own or his\hers families choice.


    i know thats what you (and calscot, and a lot of other people) personally think. good for you all, there's a good argument for it as i said. all i was saying that just because we agree "that they spend their whole lives getting applause" it doesn't necessarily follow that we should applause for a minute. its one possible alternative, certainly, but not the only one.


    that aside, i wonder if the family of the next tragedy will be asked? i'm willing to bet that the ibrox high heid yins wanted this in place, and now that a precedent has been set, there will be no further consultation. we'll see if i'm wrong.


    1. a minute's silence is how respect is paid at football matches


    3. bobby shearer should have a silence



    That is your choice barry his family obviously think different.


    that was my point. calscot was trying to convince someone that his choice was more appropriate, my reply was showing why it was valid to disagree - not espousing one particular way or the other (i'm personally not overly fussed, though tend towards silences).

  11. Sionko is a waste of space. Lee Martin and Sionko are not good enough for a club like ours. PLG supposedly has chased Sionko for years - makes you wonder about the judgement of PLG


    its a little hard to make a judgement based on a few games, and in a poor team. he seems to do the business for his country - lets give him time.

  12. For every �£5 celtic spend.....) and ( point 3 in the false murray thread).....P.s Point 2 in the false murray thread I feel is a bit unfair on DM. I think if PLG wasn't the worst kept secret ever many would have stopped speculating after he was unveiled and near enough every Rangers fan expected Le Guen to bring a "moonbeam" of success.


    yay. people are using the thread already! ;) i'll mark that one as disputed.

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