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Posts posted by bmck

  1. I just think we need to keep a wee bit calm. When everyone was sayin give him a season, were they only sayin it cos they secretly didn't think they would have to? Because thats what it seems like.


    i think this is a good point, and i must own to it. but i think that it is the simple things you expect to see improved upon in a first season, and we're not seeing it.

  2. I cant get my head around this people thinking or wanting him to leave.


    He can improve his performances and workrate dramatically yes, but if he goes then we will be missing what we've been cry out for for a good few seasons.... a goal scorer.


    very much agreed.

  3. Does it really matter though if we win the group though, we're still through no matter what.


    i think it does aye. if we qualify first we'll avoid the champions league dropouts, who you would think would be better.

  4. btw read various press reports that Letizi could be off come the January transfer window.


    dont see him sticking around if he isn't going to be #1, but his last comments were all positive.

  5. Mobile's are one of the best inventions and time savers ever but there seems to be some kind of cultish thing to be against them.


    If you're against them for health risks then fair enough but I've yet to hear many convincing arguments against them if you rule out arguments from people who are just irritated by the use of them.


    And like any great tool, they can be abused, just like the Internet, another great invention in my eyes.


    naw, i've got a mobile, and, you're right, they can be used and abused - but i just hate the culture thats grown up around them. the advantage of them is that you can be contacted anywhere anytime, but this is also the disadvantage. people get annoyed when you dont text back, or dont answer the phone even though you have it, or get annoyed when you dont take it with you. i think it just feels to me like another technological imposition. the truth is you can hardly be a full functioning member of society, or in a group of friends, now, without a mobile phone. its seems like society becoming ever more dependent on the shit people sell you just to function.


    of course, i still have a phone, still like getting phone calls on matchdays with spare tickets and whatnot, but i still find it all a bit troubling.

  6. Also true B....But truth be told,Killie were abysmal on Sunday,and Hearts whilst giving us a much harder game than Killie,have troubled us more in past games when the likes of Bednar and company were fit and playing.Not trying to piss on our parade of late,just being mightily realistic as to what we'll be up against when the Athletic wing of the IRA rolls into Govan next month.


    aye, to be honest i agree entirely. the defense is just so fragile and if jvoh or any of his fiendish ilk up front hit any form we could be in for big problems. i still think if we can press and dominate the game we would take some burden off the defense, but we seem to be going for a more open style of play, rather than as much closing down.


    agree re: hearts, they hardly had a shot on target, and were especially poor up front.

  7. how did he play when he came on? the one thnig i noticed about him midweek was that he done what no-one has done for us in a while, and thats whip in a few dangerous crosses.

  8. I was watching the Game. Good Game but "The Gers Fans" Were Singing the Billy Boys Song and We Are Rangers. Why can't learn there lesson about the Billy Boys Song. The People who watched it on Tv and Didn't here the Billy Boys Song then they must Be "Deaf"


    i must admit, i didnt hear it.

  9. Cheers Barry - but really not my doing - I pay professional tipsters for their info.


    One set of these guys reckon that they will make me a million quid in the next 4 years (I paid 500 for their info and so far they are up a fair bit).


    As you will have seen with the whole Iraqi Dinar thread, I like to take risks - more often than not they dont come off unfortunately.


    I will see what time I get the tips and post them when I get them (I hope none of the tipsters read this forum....)


    i wouldn't do anything that would get you in trouble and cut of a decent cash source man.


    when i used to have any spare money i paid for share tips, which was going ok till i realised that i knew better and lost all my cash.


    i agree with the taking risks sentiment, man, life's too short. if only i had the money to take risks with though. ;)

  10. talking of things that may force murray's hands. thanks to the media (for a change) your average record-reading bear thinks we've as got as got these two young guys, and if they end up going elsewhere - especially Over That Way, there will be a definite feeling of being vastly second fiddle.

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