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Posts posted by bmck

  1. maybe bmck thats a different debate...racist people displaying their racism or keeping it for remarks and asides when they think they are safe with people they trust because they know society will not stand for it...and who wants the stigma of being labelled a racist?


    very true.

  2. Cammy

    Racism is not 'rife' in general society...it aint the '70s and racist remarks can lose you your job...so i dont expect it at football matches either...calling someone a black/ p*ki/ whatever or making a straight arm salute with palm facing down should result in you being ejected with all that goes with it.


    i'd unfortunately disagree with this - i know a lot of racist people, and can only assume they are somewhat representative.


    this, of course, doesn't justify it in any way.

  3. Its not a false dilema - it is reality, it is what we face year in, year out until we realise that players like Boyd, Adam, Hutton, Burke et al just won't win us the league - not matter how many goals Boyd scores.


    Cammy F


    it is a false dilemma cammy. you are asking me whether i would prefer to be 19 points ahead or have a 40 goal a season striker. but its clearly not one or the other - there are much more factors in play, like the quality of surrounding players, for instance.


    even though i'd rather be in celtic's position, it doesn't mean its a true dilemma.

  4. But in this petty, shity and controlled country that we live in, football doesn't do the talking. There are people in the media and in politics that won't rest until Rangers are no more. These are the reptiles that will ignore all of Timmys bads points but will happliy tell the nation that Rangers cut their grass in the design of a sash.


    Until we wake up to this, they are going to continue to get worse and soon it'll be a crime in McConnells 'One Scotland' to be a Rangers supporter.


    Cammy F


    in what way do BJK posters help redress this problem?

  5. OK, I'll ask you this question....


    Would you rather have Rangers 19 points clear in the SPL (only 3 victories from scuring the title) and be playing in the last 16 of the CL against AC Milan without a 30-40 goalscorer on you books, or be in the position we are in?


    I know what I'd take.


    Cammy F


    false dilemma m8 - 1) rangers being 19 points clear etc is nothing to do with boyd's ability - our poor position cant be attributed to his scoring goals. 2) celtic also have 20+ a season goalscorers - but kenny miller, the man in question, isnt one of them.

  6. Exactly, but Boyd shouldn't be absolved for any of this blame. Also, doesn't take away from the fact that we need this type of player, who will usually also be your top goalscorer.


    Cammy F


    cammy, for my money you are making your analysis of him far, far too simple.


    these things are not in doubt:


    1. he's scored at every level he's played

    2. he scores a lot of goals

    3. he's currently in a very uncreative team




    4. he hasn't scored against celtic

    5. he hasn't scored in europe


    however, he's young and he's not had that many opportunities, and always against a much stronger celtic side than we've had. its just too early to judge him, though i can appreciate we all have gut-insticts about players.

  7. He isn't even that, are you seriously saying that Boyd is better than Prso, Ferguson, Hendami???? Boyd isn't even the best 'striker' that we have. He is the best goal-scorer we have.


    Cammy F


    no, i obviously meant he's the best goal-scorer we have - and that he is a better goal scorer than kenny miller. thats all i've said throughout, and is demonstrable.

  8. Gribz may have a point - can someone post Millers and Boyds stats for say OF, CL and international games? I'm willing to bet my house that Miller 'outscores' Boyd in all three categories.


    IIRC Boyd hasn't scored against Craptic in his ENTIRE career...... and no matter what we think, it is OF games (and CL games) where a player will be judged.


    Cammy F


    do you honestly think that any games/goals ratio will show in kenny miller's favour? if kenny miller has scored more goals at a higher level it is only because he's significantly older and has played more.


    someone who cant score more than ten goals in a season, irrespective of where they score them, isnt a better striker than one who nets 30 (two players playing in the same league, that is).

  9. no, i agree fully. we've been crying out for someone for a very long time who just regularly kicks the ball into the goals - now that we've got someone i think its important we put him to full use.


    there's no doubt he could/can improve, but our whole squad could, and i dont think it is right to judge him too harshly till he's surrounded by good players.

  10. he just seems to score. i think with better service we'd get a lot more out of him. right now we have no creativity in the final third and he's still scoring - imagine him with a busy creative second forward, and a few attacking midfielders?


    i reckon he could still cement his place.

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