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Posts posted by bmck

  1. If you think signing the best players from each team makes you average then I'm glad I didn't go to your school of logic...


    not really an issue of logic, that, i dont think. its a matter of experience, or investigation. moreso its an issue of language.


    you could buy the best players from every team and still have an 'average' side. taken purely logically you would have an 'above average' side (at best), but if there isn't a big difference between the best and worst players then logic proves useful, as usual, only in theory.


    and this is what cammy and co are arguing. that despite these players being largely better than their teammates, then are not good enough to bring us significantly above the other teams. this isn't a matter of logic, this is a matter of experience. and this is where the debate must take place - in arguing whether bringing the best of a bad bunch will make us significantly better than the rest of the bunch.


    so lets leave jibes about logic out of it, because its of no use here - its simply a creating a strawman of their argument to knock down. its playing on two senses of the word 'average' to your gain.


    incidentally, i agree with you that naismith would be a good signing. better than the likes gribz, unfathombly in my mind, favours. but making this an issue of logic simply is illogical in this case.

  2. speaking to a celtic fan today who argued (succesfully i think) that nl had actually had a rough time from the tabloids.


    while he agreed that some issues over reported (death threat), and some under reported (spitting on scarf etc) - usually related to the bigotry issue - and that the media had vastly overplayed celtic fans reaction to neil lennon - booing etc.

  3. Gonna stick my neck out and disagree. With the backing of the manager and a regular run in the team continuing I don't see why he can't improve into a very able keeper.


    you may be right. but he looks decidely flap-prone to me. he doesn't inspire confidence.


    and he's not young!

  4. If Dudek is going on a free we should be straight in there. I agree that McGregor, whilst being decent and having done well, isn't good enough to be the long term solution.


    agreed on all accounts.

  5. Tugay saved me from a kicking in Barcelona.


    had been to see Barce play Galatasaray and was in pub after the game. Gala fans came in, me and the missus had Barce scarves etc on and you could see they were looking for trouble. Started getting a bit of verbal from them until I mentioned rangers and Tugay, next thing I know we're all talking about how brilliant he was and were best buddies. At airport next day, they came over for a chat. Lovely chaps!!!


    heh. good stuff. feeling physically threatened is a mad feeling at the best of times, but feeling physically threatened in a foreign country's the very apotheosis of that madness. its strange, its quite fun actually. i remember i was in paris, at this extremely dodgy bit outside a modern art gallery. there was a square and there were lots of very aggressive beggars. anyway, i made the error of trying to buy a bit of dope. after a bit i got it, and as soon as i'd bought (a polis with a gun walked by and just ignored it!) he pointed to his eyes then across the square. lots of gangs of black boys were, at his fingers edge and across the the line of sight, closing in. my mate and i done the joe the toff and were thoroughly chased. we darted across an insanely busy road just before a pile of traffic and found some of the lassie's at a gay pride cafe (???), gave the dope to them and generally hid for the rest of the day till we left the place. its mad, the phsyiognomy of fear in a place you dont know is a mad exhilerating experience i think.



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