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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. Just now, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    Regardless of where Cantwell is playing he needs to do simple things IMO. He fast becoming a bit of an empty jersey. Too much dancing around. 

    I think he can be accused of trying too hard and it isn't working. There are others that are constantly receding just enough to hide. They shouldn't even have started the game.


    I would rather see someone with passion try to play, than someone swanning about with fuck all mentally to give to rangers.

  2. Just catching up, what a basic, basic goal to lose, really poor from us defensively. And it wasn't the first time we were split down the middle.


    We should at least have one goal. But I've seen this a million times, Celtic drop points and we somehow manage to make things worse for ourselves and drop even more points. Let's see if Clement can change that.

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