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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. PoohBear

    SPL buys

    Adamchuk (however you spell it) -awful, never understood what people saw in him when he was at Dundee anyhow.
  2. PoohBear

    SPL buys

    Latapy - poor show
  3. Good player, I['d take him in a minute. We need as many decent players as we can get.
  4. I'd be happy with Smith and McCoist, however I must admit that the appointment of Billy Davies would be quite exciting.
  5. Apparently McCall is to be brought in too. How much of this is paper talk, who knows? Still I would love to see the Irn-Bru man back in town.
  6. Clement can stay but I don't see much in the rest of them. I'd loved to be proven wrong though. I feel sorry for the young players too, Stanger and Ponroy etc. must be a bit of a blow for them.
  7. If Smith and Ally are alredy signed up then I don't see why they wouldn't want things moving that quickly, perhaps these are their first signings?
  8. Interesting... but way, way too paranoid. I don't think this is anywhere near the truth. Sure Rino may come back, sure he may be reunited with Smith but I severely doubt we have orchestrated the removal of one of the most promising young managers around and the one of the best loved Rangers players for the return of Gattuso. Le Guen wanted out, he wasn't doing a good job, he got his wish.
  9. I'm not the one making up rumours though! Just because Barry has been at the club a long time doesn't mean he has ruined 3 managers careers! Like I said, he has had good relationships with many foreign players so I can't believe this is true. Crikey, he even linked up with Amo and Tugay at Blackburn! Fair enough if Eck and Advocaat come out and say it was Barry's fault but I have a sneaking suspicion they won't, especially as Advocaat wants to take Barry to Russia and Barry always recalls Advocaat fondly. Like I said, rubbish!
  10. Welcome back chaps and good luck!
  11. Wait a second here, am I not right in saying that Barry has been great friends with Gio, Numan and Amo? Am I not right in saying that Prso and Barry get along fine? Is this Barry bashing getting way out of hand? Suddenly he is the downfall of Advocaat, Eck and Le Guen! What absolute rubbish!
  12. Well done for sticking your neck on the line mate, hope the ff'ers are apologising to you. Gutted that this has happened but it's time to move on.
  13. Why? DM has seen more then any of us have, he knows what has been happening in the background. I personally don't think Le Guen is capable of man management at all, his form of man management is ship them out and that doesn't help matters. We need to be a team, not to be split up and flung apart.
  14. Gutted.... ...not that Le Guen has gone now but that it never worked out. Six months ago we were in dream land waiting for this reign. Beautiful football and quality players, it looked like a new beginning for us. I'm absolutely distraught that this hasn't worked out and I have no idea where we can turn next to get us out of this hole. Good luck for the future Mr Le Guen.
  15. I'd keep Adam, I think he's young and may have a bright future, we've seen glimpses from him. Buffel is infuriating because he is so talented but I agree, he doesn't do enough.
  16. Good, exciting player who can get better, I think we should do as much as possible to keep him.
  17. Did Barry go running to the press? I'm not even sure I've heard his side of the story yet.
  18. Used to play in the same team as each other!
  19. I don't think it was clever of Boyd but I also think Le Guens treatment of Boyd has been shoddy. If it wasn't for Boyd we would be an empty threat, this boy has a serious eye for goal and we can't afford to lose him. So what if he is lazy or clumbsy as long as he keeps scoring like he is? If Boyd were to be next out the door I would be absolutley livid, Barry and Boyd are two of our best assets.
  20. Personally I think his English is fine and he has a strong accent, those aren't his problems. His problems are getting this team together and keeping control. Murray has to make a big decision now, does he let Ferguson go and keep with Le Guen or does he keep Ferguson and axe Le Guen? Wouldn't be surprised to see them both stay or go to be honest.
  21. We only know that this isn't a snap decision, it's something Le Guen held off doing until the transfer window. Obviously things are going to be happening.
  22. To be fair, they had Keane to come in for Ince.
  23. Well that was a pointless interview. Chick, ask some real bloody questoins would you?
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