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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Holy shit, it just needs a side foot and it's in. We are awful in front of goal.
  2. If Roofe if fit why is he not getting a game? He is clearly better than the three strikers we bought.
  3. That is shocking from Danilo. He has no instinct.
  4. The amount of poor touches we've had is obscene. I wonder what the stats are on that if there are any? Poor passing and terrible touches. Very poor quality.
  5. I'm gutted by our 3 striker signings, they are all proving to be mediocre at best. A huge waste. I like Danilo as a person, he tries, but I'm unconvinced by him as a player.
  6. Brilliant goal from sima and Tav. Otherwise we've been gash.
  7. Lawrence looks a lot like the vampire guy from Preacher, doesn't he? He might need to start using his regeneration powers more wisely.
  8. Not surprised by any, but unsure why Clement stuck with Dessers so long at the start. Doesn't seem to make sense to me that he got so many chances and now he's told to leave.
  9. My Norwich supporting mate seemed to rate him higher than Cantwell, but said he had trouble keeping fit.
  10. And an even more obvious one, closer to home, is Hagi. Doesn't matter whether someone thinks Hagi is good enough or not, he is still ten times the player Lammers is.
  11. I would also do that. I would give his spot to anyone else in the squad, a 16 year old if need be. The guy is a cracked, it's like he is suffering from shellshock. You can see it in him, he doesn't believe himself that he will be able to pull anything off.
  12. What do you mean? Are you asking me to pick a player in the football world that is better than Lammers? That's not hard, and I'm not even a professional scout.
  13. What I see with Cantwell is someone who is busting a gut. My feeling is he is trying too hard to compensate for the lack of quality in the rest of the team. It's not working for him just now, but I've seen enough of Cantwell now to know he has the ability and we need to use it properly. Lammers has shown nothing, nothing! He is an awful player that needs to be chucked at the earliest opportunity. The problem with taking on these project players is that if they are on their last chance and it doesn't work out then we can't get rid of them. In my opinion this is the end of the line for Lammers, he's useless. He's actually worse than useless, he's taking up a good wage and a spot in the squad that could go to someone who can actually play football. I am gobsmacked Lammers was kept on the field so long and Cantwell was binned in the first half. If the excuse was that Cantwell wasn't doing what he was asked to, then what fucking excuse does Lammers have?
  14. I revisited Lammers' statistical history today. For some reason I was under the impression he was really good in the Dutch league. He was good for one season and that was it, nothing else. A bit part player for the previous 4 and then shite for the next 3. What did we expect with him?
  15. I don't think any of our forward players were signings of the required quality. Danilo is the one with the most promise so far, but I'm yet to be convinced.
  16. The players that are getting singled out offer nothing, ever.
  17. Absolute wank of the highest order. Terrible team selection from Clement and utter pish from the players, McAusland aside.
  18. We are a very poor team and Clement has a lot of work to do, and that means actually doing something.
  19. Get in! I hope he's signed that contract, if I were him I'd be asking to 10 grand more tomorrow.
  20. I don't think I can take seeing Dessers running at walking pace in this game.
  21. I'm always a bit worried when a manager comes in and can't instantly see what we can all see.
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