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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. I can understand Beale being cited, but Kent and Morelos??? That is shameful.
  2. I think the club can't win, it's not a great look banning several media organisations. What we do as a support is much more important. Just stop reading them and they become irrelevant.
  3. This sort of stuff is stoked by Sutton and the like. I really don't have any respect for organisations that publish their inflammatory nonsense, it's really unhelpful for our game. Some of the stuff I read in reply to these people, one Celtic fan literally claimed Morelos was threatening to murder the Celtic support...
  4. You have to give them credit, they really know how to stir up a situation in their favour. Hopefully this one backfires on them.
  5. Incredible, thought we'd be stuck with him. What a dire signing, well done to Wilson getting him off the books!
  6. I honestly don't think we will be forced to sell a player unless Gerrard gives it his ok. Think about where we are, we have the potential to win a title for the first time in nearly a decade and to stop Celtic winning 9 in a row. Not only that but if we win the league we have the opportunity to get in to the champions league groups which would pretty much negate any player sale. I do think any deals with Newcastle potentially may help us in the long run but I'm sure it would be extremely complex.
  7. I doubt any of the first team will leave this winter, but Tav to Newcastle... is there an opportunity there to finally sort out the retail deal once and for all?
  8. Calm down, some of us haven't seen his explanation yet. Even so, I wouldn't expect him to say anything else and it doesn't minimise the incompetence. Even the commentator thought he'd shown two yellows. He could have clarified with Katic without confusing everyone watching the game.
  9. Dunno if it was Brown but he certainly appeared to book two people whether he meant to or not. Very poor refereeing.
  10. YES!!!!! Even with the extra time and the red and the illegal goal they can't stop us.
  11. I feel like Gerrard has to make a change here. Celtic's subs have worked so far.
  12. God whys it so hard to watch when we are playing so well?
  13. Hoping we get another performance like the cup final, but this time with a result in our favour!
  14. Hehe, Giroud would be amazing but I can't see that one happening
  15. Run around a lot chasing the ball and trying to tackle everything in sight.
  16. Cosgrove is a dirty player, need to stamp out that type of thing from our game.
  17. Shame for Docherty but when he came on this season he looked every inch the archetypical Scottish player. He has a lot of work to do on his reading of the game.
  18. That guy porteuos shouldn't be allowed on a football pitch. Awful. Is he the guy that also took out Defoe in the box today? Awful player.
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