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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Ojo doesn't seem like the type to enjoy this match. Please prove me wrong.
  2. Not really, they are making illegal challenges and getting away with it. Our game is based on playing football. If they are allowed away with it then we are going to struggle to win by playing by the rules. We must complain about this stuff.
  3. Some real hammer throwers here, if the ref refuses to book them then what can we do? It's crazy what you can get away with in our game.
  4. What a save from McGregor!! Worryingly slack from Katic though.
  5. This is pretty horrible football, I wouldn't be bringing Hagi into this today I don't think.
  6. I hope this Dykes talk is nonsense, I don’t see anything in the guy.
  7. Strange one, whilst he never exactly set the heather alight he was still a better option than some that are still at the club. I think he really pissed off Gerrard when he got his red card, but that surely can't be the only reason.
  8. Previously I would be more concerned, but I think now we have a coaching team in place that have proven they can improve footballers. Looks like this lad has talent, fingers crossed we can coach him to see it consistently.
  9. Difficult not to get excited about this one. He's only a boy but Jesus, hopefully he has a bit of his dads magic in his feet.
  10. Worried to see Morelos on now. I'm sure it's fine, but Jesus we might need to bring someone in before the next couple of days are up.
  11. It's literally in the posts before I posted. And now there is someone claiming I've said there is no anti-British sentiment across the entirety of Ireland. I never said that, I said I've lived here for more than three years and I haven't experienced anything, no one cares, they are just normal people like you or I. I'm not saying there aren't people in the Celtic support like this, but not all the Celtic support are like that nor are all Irish people.
  12. I think Kent is vital to us. Even on his worst game of the season yesterday, he still scored.
  13. Not not picking, I think Morelos would have been better at holding up the ball and bringing others into play, as well as being able to produce something from nothing. We'll just have to disagree. I'm by no means letting off the rest of the team.
  14. The one where we drew and he scored or the one where we thrashed them and he scored? Just saying Morelos is capable of making something from nothing, we've seen it time and again. In this sort of game he has the ability to make something for himself.
  15. Don't agree at all, if Morelos played do you think the chances of winning the game would have improved or stayed the same? For me if Morelos played we would be far, far more potent up front today.
  16. This is why I don't get why we never brought in someone like Shankland or the other lad at Dunfermline, sometimes you just need options to change up the game. Shankland at least offers an opportunity to head the ball too.
  17. Problem with our strikers is that I feel one can only work alone and the other can only work with a partner.
  18. Honestly, this is where Celtic up a gear, I feel like they would take something from this match even after going 2-1 down so late. We need to get something desperately
  19. Good fecking grief. To be honest we've been warned over the previous 180 mins that we have to up our game and we simply haven't. It's almost like we beat Celtic and think 'job done'. Need to take something from this, we must score.
  20. It was brilliant, hope the lad stays a while, think he will be brilliant for us.
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