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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. I think we have a couple of problems:


    1.  We are too slow on the ball, we want to emulate this modern free-flowing fast paced football but too many players take too many touches.

    2. We've brought in a guy who looks like he can play one touch football, however we seem to have lost a lot of movement up front which he needs to thrive.

    3. We are playing way too many little passes in the opposition half.  Sometimes I think we just need to get to the byline, get the ball in and let it hit off a few shins and arses to get those half chances.  It's all way too neat (or trying to be).  We are running before we can walk at times.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Whosthedado said:

    The bottom line tonight, despite more horrific refereeing, is we are not good enough to win the league.


    How you can wait 81 minutes of that to change it baffles me.


    I don't want Gerrard out by any stretch of the imagination but I wish he would utilise the bench more and earlier. One of his main failings I would say

    I’m not sure he has the strength in depth, typically if he brings on a sub we are a weaker team.

  3. No way Gerrard should go, we are building something with real potential here.  We don’t have the same resources as Celtic, that’s a fact, any time we beat them it’s against the odds.  I think he’s doing a decent job that will only get better as he keeps mooring this team to his liking.  Fucking hell, loom at what we’ve done in Europe, it’s actually remarkable.

  4. To be honest it's the last paragraph that I think isn't great.  And the stuff telling people to take a look at themselves or to apologise.  It just seems needlessly aggressive and smug. The rest is fine, but seriously we need to be controlling the vitriol.

  5. Not sure about the statement, it has an air of unnecessary smugness about it.  We shouldn't be writing Morelos' name in lights here, we need to quietly remind people of the facts.  I really dislike the passive aggressive statements that (I assume) Traynor writes.


    The timing is poor for me, especially with the kid being charged with racism.  We shouldn't forget it's an impressionable 12 year old that's charged, not an adult.  This whole case needs some care and sensitivity from everyone.

  6. 1 hour ago, compo said:

    Why does it take umpteen passes to move the ball from one wing to the other instead of one pass right to the wide man's feet or putting just in front of him so he can take it in his stride , watching Saturdays game  I am sure I seen a woman in the Govan stand who had enough and looked like she was sleeping 

    Everyone was taking three touches with the ball, seems like no one is confident enough to do one touch passing at the moment.  Perhaps Hagi can change that.

  7. Today the fight back begins, I can feel it. We are going to demolish hibs and Celtic are going to struggle.  

    Katic will be lucky to keep his place, I think we may see Edmunson today, although it could be for Kamara as much as Katic.  

    Kent will tear them apart and Hagi is going to show some real flair.  Ojo won't make the bench.

    I'm going for 3-1 to us and Celtic to draw.


    Come on!

  8. I think Aribo has shown undoubted talent but he needs to impose himself more in a match.  

    I'm not a huge fan of Kamara, I think he's quite slack in possession.  I would rather a midfield of Jack, Davis and Arfield/Aribo than any with Kamara in it.

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