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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. We are terrible when we are pressed, terrible. We can't handle it.
  2. Just caught the news there on Alfie. Not acceptable from him, this is one of the most important matches for us in the season and he's really let us down.
  3. What a draw, I think it's great! Will be tough but a brilliant couple of nights in store.
  4. Was great to see Edmunson handle the game so effectively. Hardly any game time this season and then playing away from home in Braga, great job!
  5. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!!!!! How good are we in europe!
  6. Getting a bit nervous now, team are doing great though!
  7. Brilliant ball too, the run was behind him, great awareness
  8. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! That goes a long way back tpaying his fee!!!!!
  9. Was very fast at him though, I don't blame him there.
  10. I feel the players heads tend to go down after missing chances like that. If we had got that goal before half time it would have changed our game, we just seem to have a very dynamic confidence level.
  11. I think it was an easy one for the keeper mate, right height for him to dive for unfortunately. Well, easy for a penalty, still a great reaction from the keeper.
  12. Unbelievable. He looked a bit nervous when standing over the ball. Hit the ball at a decent height for the keeper. feck. well done for standing up for it though Hagi
  13. Oh my god, what a miss!!! But what play by Hagi, brilliant!!
  14. Hi mate, it wasn't meant to be a direct response to your post. I didn't mean for it to look like I was calling you out or anything.
  15. I think the domestic league is over, but the season? No. I find it slightly bewildering that fans are on Gerrard's back, or the boards for that matter. A few years ago we couldn't beat Alloa, now we are in Europe after Christmas and we've won the first leg of our tie - there's a decent chance to progress and who knows what could happen? We also lost a cup final to an illegal goal and we are still in another cup. I still think Gerrard has done a pretty remarkable job in the short time he's been here. We've shown improvement year on year and before the break everyone was loving it. I would like to see us taking a more direct approach at times though. I feel we've lost a bit of the aggressive pressing we were doing and we are playing too many wee triangles.
  16. I definitely feel like we try to play really high quality technical football but we don't have the talent. I'm not knocking the players, but we try to play in such small spaces I think you really need to be the best of the best to do it.
  17. Sooner Helander is back the better!! It's pretty clear now who out best partnership is at the back.
  18. You just knew that when Morelos missed that chance that we would concede again.
  19. Wow, what a finish! This boy has done pretty well since signing considering the limited time he's played.
  20. To be fair, if a news report falsely translated an interview stating rangers fans were racist we would all be livid. I don't have a problem with what Celtic have done. If Traynor has done this then he should be out the door.
  21. I'd be surprised because Sky has apologised to Rangers and Morelos for the translation.
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