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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. I feel it's a bit mad that the game is going ahead but I hope it's a stonker because we might not see much more this season. We've all been told to work at home and childcare is closed for at least the next two weeks here, strange times. Dunno how I'm going to work with a 1 and 2 year old to look after. Come on Rangers, play like it's the final!
  2. What are we doing?? Why are we passing the ball in the box like that?
  3. We've already started to ruin Hagi. When he arrived he was playing one touch passes, now he's just running into the opposition with the ball.
  4. I don't think I'd want to bring my of our youngsters into this. Last thing we need to be doing is ruining their confidence too.
  5. I feel that rather than finding space to play in we seem to pass and move into congested areas, it's mad.
  6. Think some of these players are struggling with the expectations. I think Gerrard knows exactly what the expectations are and the players are resisting it. If they play Gerrard out of a job I will be fuming. We need to get a shit load of these guys out.
  7. Unbelievable, pretty stunned by what's happened to this team. Just weird.
  8. It does have a feel of a Warburton team at times. It's an unbelievable downturn.
  9. I think as well, we just don't seem to have any luck on our side at the moment. You'd think one of these rebounds, one of these long shots, just one of these runs would cause enough disorganisation in their defence to give us a chance, but no.
  10. This is absolutely mad. So frustrating to watch.
  11. Only one reason it happened today and that's an absolutely appalling piece of defending by Goldson. Just what he was trying to do I have no idea.
  12. Holy shit. I mean I'm actually laughing at that it's so bad.
  13. I think it depends so much on the players response to being disciplined.
  14. Look at what happened with Keating. I honestly think VAR wouldn't work in Scotland, the officials are that shit. Money would be better spent on making them full time and giving them better training.
  15. Totally agree, that aggressive press seems to have disappeared. The only time I've seen it recently is when Hearts have done it to us....
  16. I think we've got a great 1st team, but we are banging our heads against nearly a decade without a major trophy which is exacerbating everything we do. I can understand why Kent talked about the pressure, it's huge pressure at the moment. We all want to win the league but it was only a couple of seasons ago that we had the likes of Pena in midfield, or Barton, or Kiernen in defence. The reality is that we have a really decent points haul for any team in Scotland - including Celtic. But Celtic are simply not slipping up. Now we have a confidence problem, but I still think we have a great first team.
  17. Sorry but anyone throwing coins should not be defended, it's not a case of spending money. Your insinuation is that I don't spend that kind of money following the club so I shouldn't get upset. I spend a large wedge of my income on Rangers and I shouldn't really have to tell you that or need to explain it. It still doesn't make me throw things at people or show up the club in a bad light. I'll leave you to be the super supporter you clearly are, I'm not going to engage in this kind of shit talking.
  18. No, I don't anymore, what's the relevance of your question?
  19. So the most important thing to you is that I called the coin throwers wanks? That's exactly what they are, damaging the club and acting like little kids. We could do with fewer people like that in the support, they certainly don't need defending.
  20. I can't believe you actually defend that. Totally unacceptable in any form of life. Honestly can't believe that reply.
  21. So bad. I'm so angry with Alfie, we can't be having that kind of attitude at the club.
  22. Wanks throwing coins, an utter embarrassment
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