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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Surprised by Barker, if he can keep improving like this then I’ll happily eat my words.
  2. I think that's the point though, the game was so stale and stagnant that it needed shots from distance or crosses to inject that piece of randomness. You can call it luck but really what it is is creating uncertainty for Livingston in their box.
  3. Hmm, I'm not sure there is an answer there. Neither was effective. My point about Barker is that he's looked a mile off what's required any time he's been used, but he's still getting decent opportunities.
  4. You're not wrong, but I feel that's more of a damning indictment of Hagi and Arfield's game rather than any positive indication that Barker is a suitable player for us. What do they call that, damning with faint praise?
  5. I think, like most, I'm also scratching my head at Barker still getting opportunities. He must be great in training or something because I just don't see what he brings to our team, unfortunately.
  6. Actually I think Jack is quicker on the ball than Kamara and has a better reading of the game. That’s just my feeling. I don’t think Jack has been brilliant either though, but the delay in passing is something that permeates the whole squad. Perhaps with the exception of Ryan Kent, who has another infuriating tendency to cut inside not matter which wing he’s on and over-running the ball.
  7. Kamara is just too slow. There was a point where he was on the left wing with Borna infront of him ready to run on, and he just hesitates for half a second before passing by which point the moment has gone - that half a second is what lets Borna get forward and put a cross in. We are always wasting half a second before passing, all over the park, but Kamara is particularly guilty of it. It's extremely frustrating. Passing to feet slowly isn't going to break anyone down.
  8. It's kind of disappointing that we are squandering this opportunity to put pressure on Celtic so early. In fact it's very disappointing but it feels very inevitable.
  9. Sitter missed by Morelos, can't afford that this match.
  10. I have to say, I just do not see what most like about Kamara. He seem's slow and wasteful to me. It's not that he's terrible, but he just seems average and I feel like we could do much better. I realise I am most likely in the wrong here as this opinion seems to be against the main.
  11. Hagi has been very disappointing. He's clearly a talented lad but absolutely nothing is coming off for him. In saying that, at least he has put pressure on the opposition after goving away the ball, he's trying but it's just not working.
  12. Sometimes I feel like the players won't take responsibility for taking a shot. Surely that's what we need here? We need rebounds and scrappiness around their box, are we really going to pass our way through this? Or we need good old crosses and someone like Roofe in the pitch.
  13. There is definitely space for games, how many did we play in 10 days on the run up to the UEFA cup final?
  14. If he's been training with the squad then they are at risk. Doesn't matter that he returned a negative, he probably wouldn't test positive in the early stages if he's caught it. I can't see how the authorities don't come down on Celtic like a tonne of bricks after what Aberdeen players did. At the end of the day he's broken the quarantine laws in the UK, it seems to be a worse crime than the Aberdeen players. Christ footballers can be daft.
  15. Whilst in general I thought the RTV package was a huge step up in every area, was everyone's player stuck at 720p? That was very disappointing and seemed a bit 2005. HD quality streams should be a given really.
  16. Best bit of the match for me was when Kevin Thomson said Barker took a bash to the hair.
  17. This is mad, it’s like American football or something.
  18. Yeah, there was a point where he barely stretched himself running for a 50-50 ball, is it because of a lack of match fitness? He doesn’t strike me as the type not to try.
  19. Barker actually looking quite up for it. Sure he chose the wrong option with Aribo over Barasic, but looking fiesty!
  20. I think Jack is very important for us, we always seem to play better with him in the team. I'm not a big fan of Kamara, he's slow and often wasteful. We defintely need better than him and if anyone offers 10m (!) we should be snapping their bloody arm off.
  21. Weird times, but I thought we handled the match well. The goal was lovely, Hagi, Morelos and Kent all combining well. 1 - 0 against Aberdeen at Pittodrie, can't really complain about that!
  22. The report summary does a good job of elegantly listing every questionable action made by the SPFL, there are a lot of them. What it doesn't do, to my untrained eyes, is have a lot of evidence - I suppose this is part of the point of holding an independent investigation. There isnt much there that isn't already in the public eye. It still sets out a very questionable set of actions from the SPFL. I haven't seen the Appendices though.
  23. I really hope we have a water tight, strong case. I must admit I’m a bit worried that we may release something that doesn’t back up our previous statements. It’s been 10 years of worry, fecking hope we are now on the front foot!
  24. I wonder if clubs will charge inflated prices for 400 tickets?
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