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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. 1 hour ago, buster. said:

    If you are trying to sell something then timing is important.


    General economic carnage will only get worse in the short to medium term (perhaps beyond that) and with that in mind, for DK, the quicker the better. Then of course, you have the current general feel good factor around the club.


    From the outside, looking in from afar, ye auld gut feel is saying...... the Club 1872 / Chris Graham / Dave King relationships aren't as transparently healthy and what you'd hope for. 



    That's my feeling also, it seems strange to say it considering the circumstances but it turns out that this moment might be the best moment to sell. It still irks me that we have this kind of change and uncertainty during the period when we are just peaking - it would have been helpful to have a steady platform for this season.

  2. They are always good for a late goal so I can't say it was unexpected, but any dropped points against SPL opposition is great. Lennon will be under serious pressure now, a dire European season so far and dropping points in the league. We need to do the business against Aberdeen now.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    No-one will be sacked but, in the case of Jones, who has embarrassed the club a few times now off the park, I can't see the manager being to keen to play him again.


    Edmundson is a first offender but the seriousness of it may also bring his Rangers career to a premature end in the next window.  Very silly given Leon King has been training with the first team lately.

    I doubt anyone will be sacked, but I can't see Jones ever getting a look in again. I'd say we'll take whatever we can get for him and see him on his way. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, rbr said:

    Hearing it was at Edmundsons house, and the police were in attendance , only good thing is it was last night and the club have responded very quickly and gotten ahead of what could have been a pr nightmare .


    However I do find the reactions to this to be way over the top , because its JJ then its , sack him , but give GE another chance .Wonder what the reaction would have been if it had been other players and not fringe ones .

    That's the problem with Jones though, isn't it? He's only just coming back into contention for a game and he does this. We'll see what Gerrard does but I can't really see him taking it lightly. 

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