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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. That's my feeling also, it seems strange to say it considering the circumstances but it turns out that this moment might be the best moment to sell. It still irks me that we have this kind of change and uncertainty during the period when we are just peaking - it would have been helpful to have a steady platform for this season.
  2. To be honest I'm pretty annoyed by this whole thing. Not sure why we need this kind of news whilst we are in our best position of the last decade. Why couldn't this all wait until the off season?
  3. Lol, hope winning that point is enough to keep Lennon in the job.
  4. Yeeee! Feeling pretty good now. This run of games is crazy, credit to everyone at rangers, collectively superb.
  5. Hehe that shot from Roofe! ? Want another goal, this is exactly the type of game to bite us on the arse in the last 10 mins.
  6. What's the controversy at the end there? I missed it as my kid was trying to make me eat fake lollies.
  7. We really miss arfield I think, he's not the perfect footballer but his energy and runs make us so much more effective
  8. Fucking boooooooo!!!! Love it when someone says that
  9. Whilst it's funny, this is the result that will get him the sack unfortunately.
  10. Yeah, can't complain really with where we are. I think a point from the last 2 games will secure us moving to the knockout stages?
  11. He's been a superb signing hasn't he! I wasn't entirely convinced by his track record before we got him, but he has just been another level.
  12. They are always good for a late goal so I can't say it was unexpected, but any dropped points against SPL opposition is great. Lennon will be under serious pressure now, a dire European season so far and dropping points in the league. We need to do the business against Aberdeen now.
  13. This has been absolutely brilliant. What a way to get back into the action after the disappointing way we ended the match on Thursday.
  14. That's shocking. Helander has been absolutely terrible today, what's with him?
  15. I doubt anyone will be sacked, but I can't see Jones ever getting a look in again. I'd say we'll take whatever we can get for him and see him on his way.
  16. That's the problem with Jones though, isn't it? He's only just coming back into contention for a game and he does this. We'll see what Gerrard does but I can't really see him taking it lightly.
  17. What a way to end a Rangers career, what a pair of absolute muppets. I assume this will be the last of Jones.
  18. Lost our way a bit there at the end there, but is that 15 matches unbeaten? 6 points from 6 in the Europa League! Beat Celtic away in the first old firm match. Really incredible start to the season, couldn't ask for anything more! awesome is awesome.
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