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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Some woeful crosses going in at the moment! Come in lads, dig deep and let's get out of this small dip in form.
  2. Wry frustrating to watch how often we get it in and around the box, but we always seem to be 2nd to every ball that gets out in there.
  3. We seem to have resorted to pissing about with the ball in front of the opposition the last couple of games. Saw this happen before Arfield's resurgence this season.
  4. Seems a bit early this year, do we not normally wait until the new year before dropping our heads?
  5. Itten did really disappoint after the glimpses we had of him previously.
  6. You have to take it into context. Yes, it was a shit game to lose, really shit, but we've just gone on a 26 unbeaten run. It's been hugely impressive. Let's hope the guys show some dig now.
  7. Well now, that's really depressing. I don't know if I can be angry with the team, we have been absolutely on fire all season. Keep our heads up, we were always going to lose at some point, now we have to address it and carry on as we were.
  8. That all came from a completely lazy Kamara fuck up that I've seen him do time and again. So frustrating.
  9. Really depressing, the football's been keeping me going through this fecking pandemic. Hope Balogan is ok, what's happened to Helander?
  10. This is a situation we would fall apart in previously, I want to see us come through this today (obviusly). I want to see that we really have changed.
  11. I know it’s not trendy to slag off people’s image, but the man looks like an upside down bog-brush.
  12. I think almost certainly, Itten's hold up play is so much better and he looks far more deadly too.
  13. That feels like a huge win for us, the sort of game we would have slipped up in just a year ago.
  14. Brilliant, just brilliant. I love these guys. It's funny that Goldson and Tav have been some of our most berated players, bizarrely. Gerrard can spot a player, no doubt about that.
  15. Quite frustrated with that from Morelos, looking straight at the guy and elbowing him. He's not playing well enough for me to be doing that.
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