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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. I think the thing concerning me most was that we seemed unable to play out of a high press that their front line applied.
  2. I think i said it before, we seem to be going through a wee sticky patch, but we are still picking up 3 points every match, unlike Celtic when they went through a bad patch.
  3. Shocker of a start there Davis!! Think it will be good for Kent to have a rest today, let's hope Morelos is as fired up as he was at the weekend.
  4. Don't think Porteus' tackle was a penalty myself, he got the ball pretty well. The Tav one was definitely not a penalty, that's a mad claim. I'd be thinking about giving Kent a rest for the next game and trying Hagi, Morelos and Roofe up front.
  5. What a fantastic 3 points!!! We've had a sticky patch and kept winning
  6. He's been brilliant, Hibs have hacked him down so much too.
  7. We are sometimes too slow around the box, letting the opposition get organised. Kent a prime example of it there.
  8. Fast game this, going to be some tired legs in the 2nd half.
  9. Feeling very nervous today, this is a big test. An early goal for us would settle the nerves a bit!
  10. He’s really struggling, it’s quite painful to watch. Through on goal and I’m thinking he’s never going to score. Hope he gets back to his best cause we need everyone fired up for the second half of the season.
  11. I think Roofe is fantastic but not sure this is right for him. Itten and Morelos have a physical presence that important. Delighted if I’m proven wrong.
  12. Wow, Celtic really are just stumbling over the finish line. Looks like Lennon has done just enough to keep himself in the job, but we really have to grab this chance, they are terrible at the moment.
  13. Now that was a brilliant cool headed end to the match, well done boys!
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