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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. 3 minutes ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    We totally switched off and now it’s game on again. 

    Kamara totally asleep to run of the scorer, don’t know where Balogun or Tav were?


    Now need to put this away soon to avoid SBT (squeaky bum time)!

    Thought it was Aribo strolling along there. Tav too far up.

  2. Just now, der Berliner said:

    Maybe its just me, but if McInnes "takes the knee" at the start of the game, he should have the decency and take his hands out of his pockets. Thus it looked more like a stretching excercise ...


    Decent enough st half, took us some time to get our game going, be we were alreday in it before the penalty. Now put them to the sword early on and keep them there.


    First time I looked at Aberdeen`s Wright 8who is rumoured to be a target) and he seems decent enough.

    I was laughing, looked like McInnes was doing a curtsy!

  3. Absolutely shocking challenge from Main, should have been a red.


    I must admit I don't know the rules well enough to understand if Hedges should have been red or yellow, does it depend on it being intentional? It's a stick on pen, but not sure it was intentional - although it was cute enough. Daft thing to do anyhow.

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