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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. I've got it recorded here, he says:


    Are you not speaking to me? I know why you're not speaking to me, because you're fucking bang wrong. You're bang out of order.


    Then he does say a couple of other things after being booked which I can't make out.


    Eh, Gerrard is right obviously but you're never going to win that battle at that moment in time.

  2. 30 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Say it again, the RTV programme and presentation is head and shoulders above anything currently on offer anywhere in the UK. 


    I have a huge amount of time for Tom Miller, his knowledge of the club is amazing, and he speaks well. We've had him at a few supporters club functions and he has been brilliant. However, Clive Tyledsley just sounds more professional. 


    Over the season Neil McCann has shown he is the best pundit in the country and is in a different league from anyone else. He is always ably backed up and the different co-analysts have made RTV unmissable on home match days. 


    No substitute for being at the games, but it has been exceptional all season thus far. 

    The analysis is brilliant, they don't shy away from being honest too. I much prefer watching RTV over sky when it's the full fat program like today.

  3. In a strange way the large lead almost makes the nerves greater, the worry that we could still throw the league away. I can't see it happening at all but the last 2 seasons post new year collapse still weigh on the mind.


    But thinking logically, I think our record in all competitions this season (including Europe) is 37 wins, 4 draws and 1 loss. It's an absolutely incredible record, there is no doubt that this is a different team mentally to the ones we had in previous seasons.

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