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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. How many times are they allowed to foul Kent before getting a card?
  2. Actually I dont think it is, BAME is definitely outdated though. Things change quickly, it's trying your best that counts.
  3. Kent looking well capable in front of their right back.
  4. Half our team are black men, I don't think anyone is forcing anyone to do it, it's a show of solidarity.
  5. Good result for us tonight I think. Start better next week and we can beat them.
  6. How is it these guys can foul us every time we are on a break and not get carded?
  7. Yep, Hagi's pass was perfect and I don't think it was easy
  8. Yeeess man!!! These guys look a bit tender at the back, ripe for taking a bite out of!
  9. Argh!!!! So nearly a goal there, what a mistake from them!
  10. Since the end of last year we've typically been slow to start games, which is different to how we were during the first half of the season. Bit us on the arse here.
  11. Yeah I'm struggling to understand what our players did that celtics players didn't do in Dubai? In fact, Celtic's transgression seems worse, being in a pub mixing with the public. Seems mad.
  12. I can hear a wee plane going over the Celtic game, is something cheeky happening?
  13. Yeah, I think it's ok to accept there will be mixed feelings about it, mixed feelings between one another and mixed feelings within ones-self. One thing for sure is that I haven't felt as excited for a football match in ages after seeing it.
  14. "There's a real air of excitement around Ibrox this afternoon" "You can sense it around the ground" Understatements of the century.
  15. I've got mixed feelings about it, I'd be a liar if I didn't say that I got a bit emotional watching the video of Gerrard arriving at Ibrox, I closed the kitchen door so the missus wouldn't see me! Football has been one solid factor that has carried me through this fucking pandemic, seeing those scenes kind of reminds you what life was like.
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