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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Kamara’s statement says it all really, and you can see in Goldson’s demeanour that he looks tired and completely dejected from having to deal with this stuff. UEFA really need to do something, the Slavia Prague reaction has really made a joke of racism. I’m also struggling with the amount of people using team colours to gloss over what’s happened, sickening.
  2. Not really, I just don’t defend what is indefensible. If I back Roofe there then the way I see it is I have no right to condemn any opposition player for the same. It was awful, regardless of intention or not. I don’t see how anyone can say he has the right to go for that, studs up, head height and jumping. As for your other comment, I think you just read what you want to.
  3. He didn't have every right to go for the ball, there was a goalkeepers face in the way! It's just like a defender doesn't have every right to go for the ball if they are behind the opposition player. It's endangering an opponent.
  4. IMO it is a bit crazy and stupid, the injuries to their keeper show why these rules need to be considered by players. It wasn't intentional, but it wasn't intentional in the same way a speeding driver doesn't aim to run someone over. Every rangers fan was up in arms when Power did the same. Anyway, it's open and closed case so not much to discuss, but it was certainly naive.
  5. I'm not saying he did it intentionally, but it was still a crazy thing for him to do.
  6. Seen some pics of their keeper there, what the hell was Roofe thinking? It's shocking.
  7. Yep, I would be pretty proud of our players if they did that and I'd back them, but I think it'll be hard to prove this was a racist insult. Just the same as the Aberdeen (I think?) player.
  8. Whilst I back what people are saying regarding leaving the pitch, would everyone be saying that if we were winning the tie? We would forfeit it.
  9. Can't believe I'm seeing some rangers fans claiming roofes foul wasn't a red. Imagine if it wasn't, we'd be kicking peoples heads off every game!
  10. I think it must have been, we'll see what is said after the match but their player was a sneaky fuck that's for sure.
  11. Eh, I'm confused... Not bothered by your opinion, you're free to have it but don't skirt around it.
  12. You did say we had downed tools in your post but maybe you meant something else. We've done great but no doubt we need some freshness in over the summer.
  13. Been a great season, but there is still definitely still work to be done over the Summer. We are nearly there, but we need to make some top signings if we want to even pretend to compete in the CL.
  14. Can't believe how daft that was. Who does he think he is, Alan Power?
  15. Dunno how he got away with that, it was a pen all day long. Ridiculous play from Balogun.
  16. That was awful from Balogun, awful.
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