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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. 3 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:

    Yeah, but Helander is very slow.


    Are you still baffled by the decision?

    I wouldn't say that one physical deficiency means he should be dropped. We had Weir playing for us for seasons and if he broke into a sprint his knees would turn to dust and his ankles would disintegrate. Managers never dropped Cannavaro because the opposition was too big either. Surely if you're a defender that can read the game then that is what matters? 

  2. 23 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    Never ever underestimate Scandinavian teams, they play summer football and those in the CL route are no mugs. 

    Not underestimating them, but the fact is it would be hard to get an easier route to the champions league through qualifying stages.

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