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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. 21 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Those upset by the videos should write to their local Parliamentarian and Rangers FC to highlight their concerns.


    Due to their confirmation bias, calling it out to Rangers supporters is largely futile.  


    James Dornan has just Tweeted the response he has received from Rangers suggests the club has a long way to go in eradicating sectarianism, so PoohBear could maybe team up with him and they can work together (Lothian Buses will be bricking it). 



    I wouldn't be able to see that, he's blocked me. Not sure why you have to be so cynical about it though, I'm not having a go at you or anyone else. I just don't understand why anyone wants to defend the songs or any kind of sectarian nonsense rather than just giving it up and agreeing we shouldn't be doing it. Why do we always say it can't be done or it's pointless, or that it's not offensive?

  2. 9 hours ago, ranger_syntax said:

    It wouldn't surprise me to hear it.


    The idea that we can eradicate certain songs by tutting on the internet is a silly fantasy.

    Do you not think that the internet has a major impact on what is considered acceptable as a social norm? It's got to be the largest social gathering of rangers fans other than at the stadium. I would think calling it out and would have an impact.

    Honestly, I think there is a lot of confirmation bias that occurs in our support regarding these issues - and I think they are problematic. For instance saying it's not racist misses the point, a lot of people in the past would be defending singing racist songs or shouting racist obscenities with a similar argument. It's the same thing but moved forward 30 years. 


  3. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Imagine looking for condemnation of something that might not have actually happened or even worse, something our bitter rivals fabricated.  


    Should we not leave that sort of foolishness to Humza and co?

    No, I think the problem is that we do have a sizeable element of the support that does this stuff. Would anyone actually be surprised if fans were singing the song? Regardless, the issue for me is that people try to play it down rather than eradicate it.


  4. 1 hour ago, craig said:

    The authenticity of the audio on said video is still not verified.  We have been here before.... recently.

    That doesn’t matter if people think it’s not a bother anyway though.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Bill said:

    It’s not my job to say what should be “allowed”. We have arseholes in government to do that. All I can say is it wouldn’t particularly upset me. 

    Well, it takes either a brave or stupid man to say racism doesn’t bother them!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bill said:

    People can sing whatever they want. It doesn’t need defending or attacking by me. I have no wish to act like God. 

    Should they be able to sing whatever they want without consequence? What about singing in a derogatory manner about someone’s skin colour? Should that be allowed?

  7. I can't really agree that "no one is actually offended by songs". It might be more accurate to say you can't understand how anyone can be offended by them.


    I can understand it though. Like it or not, it's pretty easy to trawl through FF or Twitter and pick out some pretty offensive stuff from our fans. I think a lot of the time it is said without the poster even realising that they are being offensive. I wonder how I'd feel if I brought my two Irish/British kids to the UK and they were told to go home, probably not very happy. I do think there is an element of small mindedness in our support who genuinely see Irish and catholics as an enemy of sorts.

  8. 3 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    I think we need them to qualify tbh. The idea of us playing catch up on Sundays fills me with dread at the moment. At least they would have the same schedule. 

    I think they would drop to the conference if they lose the tie. I'd prefer that...

  9. 1 minute ago, ian1964 said:

    Which is why they haven't scored against us in 2 matches with one we played with 10 men, it's all about qualifying

    I honestly don't think Gerrard is sitting on his hands thinking, "yes this is all going to plan". This isn't game management, game management would be scoring a couple of goals early and shutting up shop. That this tie is still in the balance is really quite appalling to be honest. I'll be delighted if we go through, but I'm starting to have serious concerns regarding our performances.

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