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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. He came across as an odd one just from what he said though, when introducing their manager he managed to say something along the lines of “I just had a conversation with Ange, it was one of the best conversations I’ve ever had”. That’s the sort of non-speak that Trump is capable of.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Isn't that what you were doing earlier in the thread by presupposing what others were thinking.

    This is obviously getting personal now, but I don't think I was and if I was then I apologise. However you would have to point out where exactly I have done this.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Not really.  I'm discussing the topic at hand (nasty football songs), so it's not really a case of playing the man not the ball, so to speak.  

    You're attacking the character of a person in an attempt to discredit their position on the topic. It's similar in a way to Bill's means of attacking by claiming I'm too thick to understand and not actually answering the question at hand.


    Anyway, regardless, it doesn't bother me if you are embarrassed that I find racist or sectarian songs offensive.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I sometimes wonder if some supporters sit and squirm when they hear certain songs at Ibrox.


    After Hillsborough, the authorities decided to change their approach to football.  Before that, it was something to be frowned upon - a pastime for the uncouth masses.  After that, it has been viewed as a money making opportunity and they've tried to drive the unsavoury aspects away, which has been largely successful in the English top division.  


    I get that people want a safe environment to watch the football but I had no idea so many football fans were such sensitive souls.  I feel embarrassed for any grown man who is genuinely upset about a song sung by football fans - you must've had an easy ride if that's the sort of thing that bothers you.

    Has anyone ever told you that you are a master of the ad hominem attack?

  5. 7 minutes ago, Bill said:

    How about limiting your assumptions to what’s actually written? Too difficult?

    All I'm doing is posting what you wrote. If you don't want to either defend yourself or take a step back and change your mind then that's up to you.

  6. 7 minutes ago, ChelseaBoy said:

    We have all done that, been there and got the t shirt.


    My thoughts are that we have to be very careful when deciding what to ban/cancel or decide what should or shouldn't be allowed under the free speech banner. Not everything if you'll excuse the pun is black and white as we saw with the Rangers dressing room songs and what certain people chose to call out entirely wrongly as it turned out. True free speech works both ways so we can't pick and choose.    

    Yeah, the rangers video was ridiculous I agree. However, I'm talking about people still defending the sectarian stuff for some reason, rather than just condemning it. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Bill said:

    What a silly soldier you are. You invent reality like it’s yours to create. No one said they weren’t bothered by racism, that’s just something you decided you were reading. 

    Well you might want to clarify what you meant then, I asked you directly if derogatory singing about someone’s skin colour should be allowed. You answered that it’s not your job to say what is allowed but that it wouldn’t particularly upset you.  How should I have read that?

  8. I’m not being cryptic, a poster himself said he wasn’t bothered by racism.


    On 01/09/2021 at 16:25, PoohBear said:

    Should they be able to sing whatever they want without consequence? What about singing in a derogatory manner about someone’s skin colour? Should that be allowed?


    On 01/09/2021 at 16:27, Bill said:

    It’s not my job to say what should be “allowed”. We have arseholes in government to do that. All I can say is it wouldn’t particularly upset me. 


  9. And by the way, there is a lot of cryptic messages on this thread that appear to be alluding to me without outright saying something. If you have something to say then say it, if you're all the adults you claim to be.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bill said:

    I believe you might be an actual saint. 

    Not sure what you are getting at here bud, is it that you think it's too difficult to refrain from being racist or sectarian or that you think everyone is refraining from being racist or sectarian? It's funny that whenever these things happen (which is pretty regularly to be honest) people are defensive rather than just accepting that there are certain things we shouldn't say or do. It is possible to believe that certain factions in the media or society hold an agenda against rangers and rangers fans, whilst also believing that we continuously do this to ourselves.

  11. I just don’t fall for two things:


    1) that all Celtic fans are enemies. I don’t hold any hatred just because someone supports Celtic. 

    2) I don’t defend racist or sectarian behaviour, and I try to refrain from it myself. That said, anyone can make a mistake, I’ve done it myself. The problem is that some people are unwilling to learn and would rather defend their right to offend.


    I think the Daily Record have made a ridiculous miscalculation here and it’s going to cause a lot of people a lot of grief.  I think there is a lot of biased focus on our club and support from the media. However, at the end of the day we shoot ourselves in the foot time and again by failing to clean up our act. 

  12. On 03/09/2021 at 08:38, ranger_syntax said:

    Please explain this point.

    I don't think there is much that needs explaining but I feel it was always obvious that the media would trawl through forums/Twitter when the club aligned themselves with fan sites. We have already seen this with Chris Graham so it shouldn't have been unexpected. Personally I didn't think too much would come from the H&H alignment, but the FF one seemed very careless and I'm surprised that it's H&H that have come unstuck because it doesn't take much to find some ridiculous comments on the FF forum.

  13. 2 hours ago, Bill said:

    You seem to have bought into this big time. Pretty soon we’ll be afraid to open our mouths for fear of offending someone. But you’ll still be happy in your conformity, right. 

    I have bought into not doing things that are racist or sectarian, yes.

  14. 1 hour ago, Ieatbats said:

    Who gets to decide what is offensive ? Are you going to hand your free speech to a Nationalist government to decide what you can and cannot say ? Is that not what we accuse China and Russia of doing and claim it's abusing human rights and the freedom of speech ? 


    It’s pretty straightforward, don’t sing anything racist or sectarian. There is no more to it.

  15. Do people know that the fans haven’t been spoken with by either the police or Rangers? Perhaps the fans admitted to doing it.

    I see as well that heart and hand are going to be getting it tight from the Daily Record for historical tweets. I’m a patron of H&H and I think Edgar has matured a lot over the years so not sure what historical tweets will prove. However, I do think this was always going to happen and I’m surprised that the club has aligned itself so much with fan websites, FF in particular I find really eye opening.


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