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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Jesus ? Goldson really not filling me with confidence here. Even a simple touch is rank rotten.
  2. I dunno, McGregor pulled off a pretty great save and then tried to stand up as quick as he could, can't really blame him there in my opinion. Really Goldson is to blame for that goal, sure we didn't defend the corner very well but the reality is that Goldson have Motherwell the free corner.
  3. Nice to see some passes into the box and some shots even if they haven't amounted to much, keep trying.
  4. I can't remember the last time we really pegged a team back and thrashed their goal over and over with chances, that's what a strong Rangers side should be doing here.
  5. Come on lads, pleeeeaaassseeeee! Had a heart attack at that pen, looked like the keeper got it.
  6. We have been playing in an exceedingly mediocre fashion this season so far, despite our league position. Really need to pull the finger out now.
  7. They receive public funding so I believe are open to FoI requests - should one or more choose to do so.
  8. I'm absolutely shocked and saddened. The ultimate Rangers manager. I wish all the best to his friends and family at this time, and to all Rangers supporters who I know will be incredibly saddened by this.
  9. I've never found Craigan that bad a pundit, I know most don't like him. But he is fucking howling tonight. So wrong on the VAR call and then hwne he finally realises that it was the right call he says "either way..". No, it's not "either way" it was a legal goal. He also said that Brondy were more than a match for Rangers tonight after we've been running the show. Seems sad man.
  10. What a goal! It was so good it blasted my connection offline!
  11. Noticed this tweet from Sky. If you go into the story it claims in no uncertain terms that CBC was not connected to Celtic officially. Won’t that be a rather large part of any case brought against Celtic? Seems a bit like they might be jumping the gun in their statement? “A number of senior figures at Celtic Boys Club, which was not officially connected to Celtic FC”…
  12. Can't remember the last time I was happy for an international break. A complete change of attitude is required on return. Yes, we are winning games, but it's by the skin of our teeth.
  13. I don't understand what VAR is meant to do if it can't pick out that was never a sending off?
  14. Decent point for them today, keeping them just in touch of a top 6 place.
  15. Pretty brutal this, thank fuck we saved that. What was Goldson doing? He's quite often guitly of letting the ball bounce in these situations rather than taking a safety first approach.
  16. Patterson appears to be a first team player all day long. Gerrard has a seriously excellent problem to solve here because Patterson is one that seems to drive the team at the moment. He needs to play more, a lot more.
  17. Really disappointing, especially after 60 minutes of good football.
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