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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. I’ll be pretty disappointed if he leaves at this point, he’s leaving us in a much better place but it could be pretty bad for us to change coaching team right now. I think we are all prepared for him leaving eventually, but I thought he’d be doing it in the off season.
  2. What a challenge by Bacuna! The sort of tackle that the fans will really take to!
  3. I was wondering this myself, he'd have us all pulling our hair out with his yellow and red cards, but perhaps he needed that extra aggression to get him going?
  4. Totally agree that he's been poor recently, but I just thought he had a good first half.
  5. I was admittedly working during the first half so the game didn't have my full attention, but it seemed to me that Morelos was having a good game first half? He was unlucky to have a goal chopped off and he had a good few attempts that were very close.
  6. The new guy, not sure what his name is, has some pass on him.
  7. That's the class that Kent and Hagi bring isn't it
  8. I wonder if we'll see Kent for Sakala in the 2nd half.
  9. I have to say, there is more to Sakala than I thought. Previously I was under the impression that he was fairly one dimensional, i.e. get the ball and run head down towards the goal. But he showed he has a trick or two, some decent wide play, can play in a ball. Good times ?
  10. Wow! What a goal! ? let's take this energy forward for the rest of the season please!!
  11. For all Arfield's shortcomings at least his first thought is to move the ball forward. We need that.
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