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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. I really don't think Dessers is good enough, regardless of his recent record.
  2. Diomondes performance has been concerning. Lundstrum looks fucked again, he looks like he needs a rest. Most concerning is that Wright has looked like our brightest performer.
  3. Fucking woeful that. What were they doing at the back there?
  4. Wow, for a team that has such a great defensive record we have some fucking dire lapses
  5. Diomonde has some really bad errors in him, doesn't he?
  6. Could do with Dessers staying inside a bit more often
  7. Looking much more settled now, Lawrence looking the most dangerous I’ve seen him recently.
  8. Don’t want to be harsh, but Diomende did exactly what you don’t want in the opening minute and it sets a tone for the start of the match.
  9. Unless I am misreading here, there is nothing in that statement singling out Rangers. In fact the only club singled out is Hibs themselves. There is no need for us to take offence from the message.
  10. The way I read it there wasn't any hypocrisy. They condemned their own fans behaviour and said they were acting on it.
  11. I don't have a problem with their statement. It's been an age since I've been to a match, but I wouldn't want to be taking my kids to one. Too many idiots about. I dunno why people have a fixation on keeping up all the aggressive or offensive bollocks personally.
  12. lol Stewart, how can they keep him on as a pundit? Awful.
  13. Brendan Rogers “I don’t like to comment on officials” 😂
  14. Celtic falling at the first hurdle! (this is bait)
  15. Yes I agree, our league is awful for letting rancid challenges go. Referees can be scared of "ruining" the game by sending off someone from a shit team. Goes hand in hand with the refs being shite.
  16. There is no over-arching conspiracy against us by the referees. There has been a recent period in time where Goldson could pretty much pick up the ball with his hands in our box and he wouldn't be penalised. There are a multitude of shit decisions by referees in our game, some go for us and some against us. The referees are terrible.
  17. I don't want them reffing the games cause they are shit. It's crazy that we don't have full time refs in this country, that is the biggest problem.
  18. I don't think there is any real corruption with the refs, they are just shit. We've had our share of weak decisions go our way too. If you go look at the Celtic forums they all think the same too, that the refs are corrupt against them.
  19. Not like you to over-analyse a tongue in cheek comment?
  20. We are improving, it used to be that we would fall at the first hurdle after reaching the top of the table, now we are falling at the second hurdle.
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