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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Yes boys, a goal first!! That is what Arfield adds to the team, he runs beyond the defence like no other.
  2. Or perhaps it's the pitch. I rate Jack highly so I'd be disappointed if Gio doesn't see a place for him.
  3. What was everyone expecting here? Gio has to work with the squad he has... I feel like a lot of fans are expecting Gio to come in an read the riot act but why would a new manager come in and shoot his load straight away? That's a one and done strategy. He's got to give the players a chance.
  4. Pretty shocking. Still, we’re used to that over the years.
  5. Pretty shocking how much our players worth must have dropped. We need to be bringing through top player and getting good money for them, but what is Morelos’ worth now? Or Barasic? Aribo?
  6. I’m a big fan of passing from feet to feet just outside the opposition box. 🤥
  7. Fecking delighted! Hopefully this is the appointment we need to kick the squad into gear this season!
  8. That’s actually really surprising. We definitely got the best out of him at Rangers.
  9. I think Kevin Thomson may be a wee bit past his prime now.
  10. Hmm, I disagree with you slightly, I'd say that there is more of a collaborative effort between DoF and manager. I.e. I'm pretty sure Kent was Gerrard's pick and was agreed with the DoF. I think managers will absolutely have a say in bringing in their own players still.
  11. As much as I love the man I can't help but think he would implode in Scotland.
  12. I think at this point if we don't get Gio then Wilson better knock it out the park for someone really special. How often is there a free manager on the market that understands Rangers, is a CL, EPL and La Liga winner as a player and a successful manager from the Dutch league?
  13. He certainly hinted that he didn’t get enough funds, I’d expect that was the reason.
  14. Honestly, I'd be absolutely delighted if he's appointed. The right mix of knowledge of our club and the Scottish game + global pull, I think he would be an exceptional appointment actually.
  15. All the talk of Gio is interesting. He would be another risk, but would be exactly the type of name that could come in and be respected by the squad straight away, Barcelona and Dutch international? I think he could be a good choice and would be great to see him back at the club.
  16. Villa though, I can't think of a more mediocre EPL club.
  17. It's pretty disappointing. He's seemed to have a wee problem with board recently, I guess they maybe didn't match the fund he wanted? I dunno, I'm speculating. Also, with not tying down Goldson it's not great. Ah well.
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