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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Yeah I agree, don't know how Kent can be blamed for that, just shocking refereeing.
  2. Very unlucky for Morelos, not much you can do about that.
  3. I don't know what it is the Gio and team have done, but Morelos is a different player now.
  4. I get very frustrated with Aribo, he has all the talent and physicality anyone needs yet all too often he fails to impose himself on games. PEN!
  5. Kent is really struggling. I’m really struggling with this game.
  6. I'm a bit bemused by Arfield being in the bench too, he's really lifted the team in recent games.
  7. Fantastic save from McGregor! What's happened to Goldson? He's so slack now. Getting concerned now 😬
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