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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Fucks sake man, that is brutal. Need to see a real passion from the players now.
  2. We did rue that though, we ended up in extra time needlesssly. Got the right result in the end but.
  3. PoohBear

    Next Season

    What chances of us keeping Ramsey? I know his contract is ridiculous but so was Defoes. He would be phenomenal for us.
  4. Sakala is quite basic isn't he. come on to fuck man, we are stumbling across this line
  5. Jesus fucking Christ are we trying to let them score? Get that passing around the six yard line to absolute fuck
  6. I don't think Braga are the best team we've played in the tournament. The setup and squad selection was wrong in my opinion. Too negative and apparently completely void of forward tactics. I hate to say it but the more I see from Gio the less I like, I'm really starting to doubt my initial feeling that he was the right man for the job.
  7. Gio has been too scared going into this, the team selection is poor for me.
  8. Looks like we aren't trying to score tonight...
  9. PoohBear

    Next Season

    I think Walter showed what can be done with a core of quality players. Yeah, I do thing we have a lot of mediocrity in our team, doesn't mean we cant play well. I should really say that I think many of our players are overrated.
  10. PoohBear

    Next Season

    When I see the list of names in our squad that's written out above it's surprising just how few of them I rate. I think I'd get pelters for some of the names I'd say aren't great though to be honest.
  11. Sounds like a bottle hit a Celtic staff member on the head. Whoever threw those should be hunted down and taken to court for that. Absolute scumbags. Rangers need to act and find them straight away.
  12. Is it stick or twist time with the manager? Not convinced we have the cash to change things over the summer.
  13. Been poor for a while now. Really need to get a hold of this game because we are in danger of going behind before half time. why is that a yellow now, seeing all the tackles so far he actually gets the ball at least?
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