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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. 6 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    A loan is a loan.  I wouldn't get too worked up about the fine print until we see how the player performs.  

    Nah, a loan with an option to buy is completely different. It takes the risk out of paying up front for the player, we get eyes on him for the whole season to judge his ability and potential. It also means there is a goal in developing the player for Rangers, not another team. This isn't a Joe Worrall situation where in his own (paraphrased) words was that he was sent to Rangers to make mistakes and learn.

  2. 5 hours ago, gaspard said:

    He's a scotch nationalist so cannot possibly be a Rangers fan.


    He pretends to be for his own mercenary reasons just like every other seditious attention seeking imposter claiming to be a bear whilst championing the jock republicans and their IRA comrades. 

    Scottish nationalists can also be Rangers fans.


    I've never heard McFarlane claim he's a bear, he's pretty open that he's a Hibs fan.

  3. 10 hours ago, rbr said:

    Just watched the clown that is Jonny McFarlane yet again rubbish our players and their values , why this absolute idiot gets minutes on social media and YouTube is beyond me , he’s an absolute joke of a so called fan , really disappointed in stevie Clifford not calling him out on this .


    That he uses Bruno fernandez as a special player , Jesus h Christ .

    Not sure what you're watching him on but he's a Hibs fan not a Rangers fan. He seems pretty reasonable whenever I've listened to him, the record rangers podcast wasn't actually that bad in the past.

  4. 21 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Serious questions;

    1. Do you see Lowry every day in training? How much have you actually seen off Lowry, outwith his games in the 1st team? 


    2. Would you concede the SG / GVB and their staff (or the RYD staff) know more about Lowry's attributes and what's best for his developments than any of us on a fans forum? 

    They may know what's best for his development but that doesn't mean he will get it though. Regular first team football may be what's best.

  5. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    The Rangers management team have a tough time with youth prospects.


    Play them and things don't go well...P45.


    Don't play them and fans mump about it. 


    It's a huge gamble playing youngsters for Rangers because we have to win every match (which is where I think a bigger league would help).   

    Sure, but why do we bring in untested youth players on loan from England and play them then? 

  6. My feeling is we are going to have huge changes this summer, or at least we should. 

    If we get a good offer for Bassey we should take it, in return we might sign 4 good quality first team players for the money.


    Morelos will have to go if he doesn’t sign an extension too. I’d try to move on Roofe and Helander if possible, I like them as players but we can’t rely on them.


    I’d keep on Tav, not sure when his contract is up. Kent too if we can sign him up. But the reality is we need 2 new strikers, a left winger, nearly a whole new defence. A GK. a lot of work…

  7. 2 hours ago, Bill said:

    If Jack isn't fit, why is he starting so many games? I hear a lot about how injury prone he is but very little about what injuries he is supposed to be carrying. Other than his recent lengthy spell on the sidelines for a specific calf injury (which would have been considerably shorter had he been operated on in the first place), is he actually more injury prone than most? I don't know the answer and only ask the question because once a label is applied to a player there seems to be a compulsion for everyone to repeat it.

    It's his knees that are the problem as far as I'm aware and it's something that the club admitted had to be managed moving forward, I.e. the problem won't go away. 

  8. I really don't think Jack would pass a medical, I'm not sure he can be sold. That doesn't disappoint me, he is excellent for us and we should work hard to make him play as much as is possible.

  9. I don't think Jack will be moved on for two reasons:


    1. He is hugely important to us when he plays

    2. He clearly has a debilitating, chronic injury and will find it hard to sign for a different club.

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