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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. 7 hours ago, ranger_syntax said:

    He can highlight the clear inconsistency with the first half decision.


    He shouldn't say anything about why it is inconsistent but he should make consistency the topic of discussion.


    I've not watched, or read, any post match interviews so maybe he has already said this.

    Pretty sure he did do this on Sky. He said (I'm paraphrasing) that the ref was allowing a robust match with strong challenges so it was harsh that Lundstrum was given a red considering the match to that point.

  2. That’s probably all he can say in this situation. The media will all bait him to try and say more knowing it would be controversial. He’s basically said the red card is unfounded without putting himself in a position of getting suspended.

  3. 1 minute ago, der Berliner said:

    Maybe he was being kind and wanted to give other attackers a confidence boost?


    After all, Lawrence is the only one of our supposed attackers (not strikers)  who scores goals, 7 games, 502 mins, 4 goals, 1 assist. As opposed to ... Kent (4 games, 438 mins, 1 assist), Wright (5 games, 206 mins, nothing), Sakala (no games), Matondo (4 games, 357 mins, 2 assists). Arfield and Tillman are more like attacking midfielders, before someone asks.


    After watching how they played, today might have been pitch-perfect for a 3-5-2.

    It's not a knock on Lawrence alone, it's the team mentality of passing rather than shooting. I think Lawrence has been quite an exciting signing so far, but I doubt he was considering other players confidence when passing from the penalty spot.

  4. Just now, der Berliner said:

    No, IMHO, it is in the players. You saw that immediately when Wright arrived, Sakala, Matondo, Tillman and Colak. Where the old guard would have passed, they let fly. Not always in the net, but at least they shoot. Lawrence too.


    We seriously need to change players and/or tactics up top, pending on the opposition.


    ANd truth be told, I cannot wait to see Davies and Helander back in the action, to pressure Goldson out of his early season drowsiness.  

    The point where Lawrence passed from the penalty spot instead of taking a shot was just unforgivable. Definitely need to some kind of finishing training to weed that behaviour out, we are guilty of trying to walk the ball into the back of the net at times.

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