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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Pretty sure he did do this on Sky. He said (I'm paraphrasing) that the ref was allowing a robust match with strong challenges so it was harsh that Lundstrum was given a red considering the match to that point.
  2. That’s probably all he can say in this situation. The media will all bait him to try and say more knowing it would be controversial. He’s basically said the red card is unfounded without putting himself in a position of getting suspended.
  3. It's by a bawhair if anything, probably not enough time resolution in the footage to actually determine if it's offside or not. Not worth complaining about anyway.
  4. It's not a knock on Lawrence alone, it's the team mentality of passing rather than shooting. I think Lawrence has been quite an exciting signing so far, but I doubt he was considering other players confidence when passing from the penalty spot.
  5. The point where Lawrence passed from the penalty spot instead of taking a shot was just unforgivable. Definitely need to some kind of finishing training to weed that behaviour out, we are guilty of trying to walk the ball into the back of the net at times.
  6. Jesus, wish I hadn't bothered replying to you, better patter from my 5 year old here you daft ****.
  7. On second viewing I think you can justify a red, hit the guy across the head with his forearm. It's another fucking stupid decision from Morelos.
  8. Looking more at the replay, it does look worse than when I first saw it, Morelos has been really stupid there. It's hard to argue against a red there although a yellow maybe sufficed. The Lundstrum red is a joke.
  9. Yep, two stupid decisions from our players let the referee make two stupid decisions. Daft. Referee was awful too. A point is good considering the circumstances.
  10. Campbell, is that not the fud that did the exact same tackle to Lundstrum?
  11. Morelos is a big dafty again, don't give Collum the opportunity. But the media, like the BBC screaming it's an elbow are jokers. Maybe if Morelos has his elbow in his fingers. Two daft reds.
  12. Daft one really, I think there were enough players to defend that lundstrum didn't need to do it. Dunno what Crocker is on calling it a horrible lunge, it was a professional foul with no violent intent.
  13. Now that is a superb goal, what a run and finish from Lawrence and a great ball in from Barasic. Quality all round.
  14. Can't help but agree with Andy on the commentary (argh), why is no one taking a shot? Being in the penalty spot and passing the ball is cowardly. still, pen!
  15. This is quality. Also Tom Lawrence looks massively like Cassidy from Preacher.
  16. I thought we were brilliant tonight, I felt the commentary team were a little negative on our performance for some reason. Yet again though, Gio set us up wrong in the first leg and then blew them away in the 2nd. Why is he so conservative sometimes?
  17. Jack looked completely out of sorts, but I would let him off as he has missed so much football recently and we know how good he can be. The new signings have a lot of work to do.
  18. Looked like a very bad performance from the early days of gio’s reign.
  19. I can’t say I was majorly impressed with any of our new signings, it took the old guard to dig us out of this one. Exception was perhaps Colak who was hard done by with the offside. Still though, it’s a shite pitch that we’ve always struggled with so I’ll forget about it and look forward to the next game.
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