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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. It's a pen, it's a foot to the nads. There is no discussion, Sutton is completely wrong. Silva is a wimp though and the original card was clearly a reaction to his theatrics.
  2. I would not agree with that, he has been extremely poor in our most important games. He looked completely out of depth in Europe, and is looking so again today.
  3. Diomande has been extremely poor in my opinion, so often caught on the wrong side of the ball or simply squaring it to a Celtic player. He's also extremely rash and I'd say will be one of the first in the book given the chance.
  4. Did anyone look at that team line up this morning and think "yeah, that's our best line-up for this game"? Clement has to take his share of the blame for the setup here.
  5. Diomande is really bad. I think he is going to be my new scape goat for everything bad that is happening.
  6. I'd take off Diomande, Silva and Wright. Push Sterling to midfield and bring on Barasic, Cantwell and one of McAusland or Sima.
  7. Shocking, can't complain about that. Someone needs to grab a hold of this. Get the ineffective players off, although there are rather a lot of them on the pitch.
  8. Id take off Diomande, I just think he hasn't been on it for a few games now. Dunno what Goldson is up to there, blatantly elbowed the ball.
  9. Both teams look really poor to be honest, we just happen to look more poor.
  10. It boggles my mind that he is a 40 mil player, I wouldn't sign him on a free.
  11. Apart from not reading the ball, not being aware of the danger, delaying the clearance and eventually whacking the ball off the celtic player and into our net. Apart from all that, it wasn't his fault!
  12. I dunno what to say about that, I don't want to get arrested for a hate crime on Tav. I have faith he will make it back.
  13. I think they need a bit more time than a few hours to grow grass on the massive completely bald areas of the pitch. Look at those photos, the playing surface is a disaster. I don't think it's playable.
  14. Pitch looks shite, the only problem with the decision is that it wasn't made sooner.
  15. What a pain in the arse, but I do wonder if it may help us in the long run. I feel like there are a few in the squad that need a rest and perhaps we will have some back from injury by the time this comes round again.
  16. Cortes and Sima being long term injuries has really fucked us. Being out of Europe can only aid us domestically as some of these players look like they are in dire need of some time off.
  17. We are passing it side to side when the only place it can be is in the box, mental.
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