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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. We are all angry but I think you're picking at the words here rather than the meaning. Gio has, once again, shat the bed before a match and played a conservative line up. We didn't play a team to bring the game to Celtic, we brought a team to try and shut them down. It's been a shockingly miserable failure. Again.
  2. Arfield looks like he's about to kill someone.
  3. But we played Kamara, Lundstrum and Davis so I think the first thought was, set up not to lose.
  4. If you are willing to gamble on a sub that could break his career. If Morelos comes on and let's the side down in this game then I can't see a way back. Of course, if he comes on and gets a trick then 🤗
  5. More faffing about on the byline. Get me on that pitch.
  6. Or Arfield on, might be better and get Tillman drifting out.
  7. Davis needs to come off, Wright needs on to me.
  8. That was just appalling from Davis, Sands in no man's land. We needed this game before the window closed unfortunately.
  9. Just shocking. Shocking that Gio has done this again, shocking the we haven't learnt that Celtic are taking quick feelings and throwins after 30mins of playtime, shocking that we can't win a header, shocking that we walk around with the ball outside their box. Just awful all round.
  10. Goldson isn't even looking, he's just looking at the linesman.
  11. Absolutely shocking, despite Celtic taking every free kick and throw in quickly we are still sleeping.
  12. Is this ponderous shit around their box what Gio actually wants? I'm so bemused by it all.
  13. What the fuck? We've done it again, get to the byline and then start walking, what's going on? good delivery in the end though, but the lack of urgency in the final third is baffling.
  14. Defence is appalling, have we won a header yet?
  15. I don't get it, he turns around and passes backwards when coming up against one Celtic player on the byline. He get the ball a few seconds later and decides to run into four Celtic players, the decision making is baffling.
  16. We won the ball and just stood still, the move ended up with Kent running into 4 players. Stupid. If Celtic had won the ball there they would be running and putting the ball into the danger area. We are strolling around outside their box.
  17. Is it just me or did Goldson just watch that ball roll in front of him?
  18. I hope so, my fear is that Gio is going to be too negative again. For me it's been his weakness as manager, too conservative at times.
  19. Just noticed Matondo isn't even on the bench, not great, particularly when we are short wide players.
  20. It's not a knock on Davis, just didn't expect him to play. Not a fan of sticking Tillman out wide, really we should have Wright there and Tillman behind the striker. That, for me, takes out one midfielder and I would have though Davis would be the one to miss out.
  21. The only surprise for me is Davis in, I guess that pushes Tillman to the right.
  22. Bummer about Lawrence, he's had a cracking start to his Rangers career.
  23. I think we've spent a lot over the years really and I'd rather not go down the road of spending more and more, particularly going into a period where we may find that money dries up somewhat if there is a cost of living crises. To be honest we've spent more than our worth to win the league again, and it's worked out but it was a risky strategy, particularly given the recent history. I'd rather we get into the habit of making this club have a long term, sustainable future. Splashing the cash because of a (potential) one off season in the CL is the sort of thing that got us into trouble before. Im pretty happy with where we are with the squad really, we just pumped PSV out the CL. We have a decent team.
  24. I'm pretty excited by our squad to be honest, I won't be too bothered if we don't sign anyone. If Kent or Morelos leave then I hope we have options to bring in, because that would be a blow.
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