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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. It doesn't really matter how our season looks when compared to 25 years ago, the reality is that we are 5 points behind Celtic and only 6 matches into the season. It's already a mammoth task to overcome.
  2. Having slept on it and calmed down I'm thinking a bit more rationally about things now... I'd be doing everything possible to get Sean Dyche in. We have 5 CL games left, I think that's quite a carrot. I feel bad for Gio but he just comes across as passionless.
  3. I don't think I'm going to be able to get over the fact he said it's impossible for us to compete against CL teams. He's saying things out loud that we all know shouldn't be said by a manager. He's accepted the fate of defeat in the next 5 games. Not a wonder the players aren't trying their arse, he's already said we have no chance.
  4. I mean, if you ask me who I'd prefer in the dugout on Saturday between Sean Dyche and Gio, well let's just say I wouldn't find it hard to choose right now.
  5. Just that I don't think he's lost the dressing room in the space of a couple of games. I think his tactics are just shit sometimes and he fails to motivate the players.
  6. Can't believe he said that, may as well not bother with the next 5 matches.
  7. Really? After getting to the EL final? I think it's more likely that the team and tactics are just a bit crap now.
  8. Wow, some goal from Barasic. How much did we spend on the Turkish lad? Recruitment seems mad.
  9. Wow, Tav off?? Imagine getting to the CL and then not bothering your arse!
  10. Gio is one domestic slip up away from completely losing the support. It seems crazy considering where we were last season. The manner of the defeat is the worst of it, just no heart at all.
  11. Gio surely can't say he is happy with this squad? I mean I was quite optimistic at first but the last few games, Ross county apart, have been shocking.
  12. Jesus, at least I got to see Bassey getting battered in the eye when he was celebrating
  13. Fuck me, I hope the other Rangers comes out in the 2nd half.
  14. I saw Mata was on a free and probably is the type of player we need but he's 34 now and I have no idea if he has the legs on him or if he is injury prone.
  15. I'm still astonished at how the team could not adapt to the quickly taken free kicks and throw ins that Celtic were doing. It was such a simple thing to see and it seems no one in the team caught on.
  16. I think we have, it's just that he seems to have this mental tick that makes him revert to negative rubbish.
  17. Unfortunately if Gio can't get over this "shit the bed" negative football that we seem to get every few games then I think he'll go. Probably not until the end of the season though. Seems to be a pattern, shit the bed then play well for a couple of games, then shit the bed.
  18. I fear for Europe to be honest. We are team that looks mentally weak.
  19. Maybe Gio is playing the long game. Maybe this is a hustle to get Ajax, Liverpool and Napoli to think we are shit, and then WHAM! a punch right in the kisser and we win our CL group. Maybe, right? Maybe?
  20. All that's left is a red for Alfie, then I think we've hit the ultimate in poor quality.
  21. Ok, I think we can safely say McLaughlin is not good enough.
  22. Someone made a good point there on Twitter, not a single new signing on the pitch now.
  23. Lol, Wright and Morelos in the box with the ball at their feet and they are practically running away from it.
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