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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. Just now, CammyF said:

    If thats true (and it might be) then its also pointless squeeling for change. 


    We don't know what the board are thinking, we don't know the ins and outs of managers contract, we don't know the extent of the gap in finances (soon will come AGM and accounts being released).


    Easy shouting for change but sometimes there are reasons that change can't be made (at this point in time).


    Youre 100% correct, the board are responsible for bringing in the best they can entice in all areas, something they should be held accountable for.


    However, Gio get us to CL bringing in cash, Ross Wilson has brought in untold millions from sale of Aribo, Bassey and Patterson.


    Maybe, just maybe, they are delivering on what targets the board have set them.


    We'll never know because the communication from bars to fans as as bad, if not worse than the performances on the park. 





    It's not pointless "squeeling" for change. It's reality hitting. You can stick with Gio if you want, but he's not working and he's not going to work - if that's what you think is best then thumbs up mate but it's settling for second.

  2. 16 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Ross Wilson can have a list as long as Paisley Road West but nobody has answered or came up with a solution as to how we get them in the door, or how we get Gio out the door.

    You're asking way too much from people. No one knows all the details, it's not our job to bring someone in, that's the job of a successful board.

  3. 9 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Pointless - has to be someone better and that means compensation for Gio and his staff and new manager (wholl also want funds to bring in his own staff and players). Can't magic the necessary finances out of thin air.  

    This is the whole point of Ross Wilson. It's not my job to know the football world in and out, but I think there are managers out there that would be worth looking into over Gio. Once you know something isn't working then you don't stick with it.

  4. 27 minutes ago, PoohBear said:

    Oh well, never mind, let's keep him then.

    Seriously though, this is not sustainable. It's getting worse with time and I do not see an improvement on the horizon. Regardless of how difficult it is to change up the management there is zero point in sticking with something that does not and will not work. 

  5. 43 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    For all those screaming for the managers head. I have 3 questions for yous 


    1. Where is the money coming from to pay him and his staff off?


    2. Who would you suggest to come in to replace him? 


    3. Where is the money coming from to pay compensation for the new manager (who ever they are), or are we restricting ourselves to chosing a new manager from those managers current unemployed? 

    Oh well, never mind, let's keep him then.

  6. 36 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    I disagree about Villa. They’ve got a name and a following and a bit of money. A Brummie Souness and Smith combination would transform them. 

    SG’s managerial record is not a good one. 

    And yet they have underachieved for, in my memory, 30 years. They’ve chewed through managers in that time ruining every single managers career, that’s 10 managers over 12 seasons. It’s a poisoned chalice for sure.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    That is a good question. But then you could say the same for us last season. Dortmund and RBL have players worth more than our entire club.

    I agree, under Gerrard (and I think Gio initially benefitted from this) we played well above our weight. But now we can't even be a solid team anymore. We shouldn't be getting bowled over 7-1 at home to ANY team. Even Real Madrid or Barcelona. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    But spending is contextual. No Norwegian club spends big. We are up against a direct rival who have heavily invested in thier playing squad. To expect the same results from someone else without similar squad investment isn't realistic to me.


    How come they haven't collapsed against better opposition then? Look at who they've played over the last few years, they've knocked it out the park.

  9. 3 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    We've played about 50 mins of decent CL-group football. We totally out of our depths and don`t belong in such a group. 


    It`s rather sad that there is no fall-back option for the group stages, but there you go.

    Nah. You can be out your depth but still show passion and bite, we have very rarely shown any recently.

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