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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. He just murdered someone for pace there though, right enough. Tillman was hilarious there.
  2. Sakala isn't actually as fast as I thought he was, that's twice he's been completely blown away in a 2 horse race.
  3. Sakala is like the opposite of Matondo. He is basic as a player but everything seems to come off for him.
  4. Morelos isn't what you would call a clinical striker, is he? That's not a new revelation, just a basic statement of fact. It's pretty frustrating to watch at times.
  5. Kamara for me has always given away possession needlessly. I dunno why he is looked at as someone who is safe with the ball.
  6. Some of the attitudes are just abysmal with our players. We really need to shift a majority on so that they don't contaminate any new signings with this sort of crap.
  7. Good team but I'd rather Jack than Kamara even if he's not playing 100%
  8. I do think anything can happen on the day, so I wouldn't rule out a positive result. However, I just have no confidence going into this game, and I feel like the squad don't either.
  9. I can't think of a time in the last few seasons where we've been in a worse condition when playing against them, I don't hold any hope for Monday unfortunately.
  10. Holy shit, that replay when they are through on goal is absolutely damning for the Motherwell player, he totally wimped out when it was 100% his ball.
  11. Oh for sure, the problems remain but we at least look more deadly going forward. At times we are slack and giving away the ball way too easily. I guess the defence need to get some games in too.
  12. Interesting line up, solid back four for once and quality in all areas of the pitch. Will be nice to see if Lowry can step up.
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