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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. It doesn’t matter if we are stuck with players, if they aren’t good enough we have to find better. 

    I actually like Tav and Goldson, but just like Morelos and Kent, we’ve let them stay too long. Individually I think they are excellent players, however they have been battered from pillar to post by Celtic for years and have barely put a dent in them. There is something wrong with their mentality.  We can’t be starting next season with these guys in our strongest lineup.

  2. 2 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    But who do you replace them with?


    Take the back 4 as an example - none of them up to the job. 


    Would a back 4 of Sterling, King, Balogun and Yfeko win you the league? 

    The problem is that successive managers haven't even tried to replace these players, they have continued to build a team around them. Some of them have been at the club for nearly 10 years with one league title to show for it.

  3. Just now, CammyF said:

    The question remains, how could we have addressed it in January when we had no money to spend? 


    We brought in loans, some with options / obligations to buy in the summer.

    People will hate it, but we could have brought in Shankland, we would have scored goals. Players like Silva are a waste of time, but hopefully Clement has learned that. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, RANGERRAB said:

    Clement is in the same position as his 2 predecessors.
    Hes inherited a squad full of players he never signed who aren’t up to the job and can’t get rid off them.
    Do we let him sign players in the summer like GvB and Beale did then when they’re not good enough sack Clement around September/ October and bring in someone else to see what they can do?

    And if he doesn’t work start all over again in a year’s time 

    But they didn't clear the squad out. If Clement can't see that persisting with these players will cost him his job then he doesn't deserve to be here, just like the previous two. 

    Like the old saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again."

  5. 14 minutes ago, compo said:

    Need to stop this passing to each other just outside the penalty box that’s okay if your man city or Arsenal they have real defenders we’ve got a bunch of eejit who are a liability just get the ball up to the half backs and concentrate on defending 

    The stats show that we had twice the amount of possession and passes around the opponents box than Celtic did, but with a lower xg or whatever the fuck it's called. Seems like a very ineffective strategy.

  6. 11 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    As much as Silva likes to be dramatic when under any sort of contact, why was this penalty up for debate? He clearly kicks him on the knee. 

    It was a clear penalty and to be honest I really don't think a broadcaster should claim "cheating" so outwardly. Honestly, I think rangers should be pursuing that one because it is a highly charged game and we don't need that nonsense. The fact he couldn't even take it back when it was so clearly a penalty really stinks to be honest. 

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