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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Ross County have had roughly 1/3rd of the number of shots as us, but have the same number on target as us.
  2. That is a strong bench, 6 of those players could easily be in the starting 11.
  3. You're saying my argument is poor because I'm not in a position to offer Alfie anything. So why bother discussing it? May as well not then.
  4. Oh right, well as none of us have any power let's just close the forum rather than discuss it!
  5. Poor argument really, it's nothing to do with his fee or 'rangers fans being rangers fans', it's looking at him and asking whether he is reliable enough to give a new contract to. For me, certainly not as a top earner anyway, and whatever contract we did give would have to be loaded with incentives rather than a high salary.
  6. I think you need to reread what he said mate 😂
  7. The thing is, you don't actually have to take him as a whole package and I think that is what we are considering at the moment, we don't have to take him at all. Look back at his stats, they aren't that spectacular, for the last few seasons he has barely managed to break 10 goals in the league. He's certainly not banked enough to piss around as much as he does. He might have surpassed Boyd's goal tally for his first stint, but Boyd wasn't here as long as Morelos has been? And Boyd wasn't given the luxury of being the defacto number 1 striker in that time either. If we could get the Morelos that bothers his arse and works hard then I would sign him, but he's shown too often to me that he's happy to arse around whenever he feels like it. Unreliable is the word that comes to mind, inconsistent is something else.
  8. It's more the fact that a player that has been lazy, overweight and miserable for 50% of his time with us has posted something about how hard he works after managing to score a goal. It's just a bit of a joke that he probably doesn't get.
  9. Do Rangers fans hate him? Not sure they do, I think a lot of fans are tired of him. Giving him another contract would be a huge gamble in my opinion.
  10. I struggle to love him to be honest. Yeah it's great when he's playing well, but we have to deal with his stroppy months on end fat, lazy periods too.
  11. There is a bit of confidence coming back with these one touch flick ons. We are looking like a real football team.
  12. Playing really well so far, what's with the var offside colours, looked the wrong way round to me.
  13. I'd be more for tried and tested if we hadn't played awful football for the last god knows how long and scraped wins along the way. Beale has done a great job so far, but we are an iota away from dropping points with our performances.
  14. Nothing I like more than signing two exciting players and not watching either of them.
  15. I have no idea what the true value of the guy is, but perhaps 2m is a snip of his true value. If so then it would be money well spent and perhaps the only way we can afford someone like him. Hope he's worth it 👍
  16. Yes, I’m incredibly suspicious of anyone who travels to a club to sign when everything is agreed and then has a last minute change of mind.
  17. Holy shit, is this real? Bye bye Goodwin, it's been a shocker of a month or two for him.
  18. Good punditry as Rangers are 1-0 up in the last minute, "I think Rangers have done enough to win the game". How much do you get paid for that pearl of wisdom?
  19. Why does Michael Stewart keep fiddling with his baws in front of the camera???
  20. Borna can shoot!!! Brilliant attempt from Sakala and a great setup from Tillman.
  21. Possibly, but why would Goldson be more attractive to an EPL side now? Anyway, I'd probably take money for him. He'd be a big loss but we need to churn the squad, buy in a younger defender.
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