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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. 10 hours ago, Malangsob said:

    First off, you gotta read what the fans are sayin.


    I warned you all about Davies last year.




    Norwich Fans On Dowell;


    "none of the drive, ruthlessness and determination to take a game by the scruff of the neck and dominate."


    "It's not like he's not trying, but I for one would be happy to see him moved on."


    "If Cantwell had 2-3 years left on his contract, I do wonder if he'd be getting the nod ahead of Dowell. "


    "If were dependent on Dowell I would be worried but we are not. "





    --Fan grade C-




    This court's ruling on Mr. Kieran O'Neill Dowell


    New York Yankees Reaction GIF by MLB'

    Not someone to rebuild a team with.




    Dissenting opinion--Rangers team doctor


    Dance Party Dancing GIF





    I’ve been chatting with my Norwich supporting friend and he had this to say when I first spoke a few days back: Very good on his day, one of those attacking players who appears a bit of a passenger a lot of the time but then produces numbers when it matters, goals and assists. Whenever he’s had a run in the team he’s become one of our most important players. The problem is that it’s a rarity as he’s absent through injury a lot.”


    Then when I said the rumour is that we’ve signed him: “bit gutting actually as he is one we want to keep”


    So a different viewpoint, and not coming from message boards.

  2. At this stage it's easier to list the players worth keeping. For me, the below can stay (I realise not everyone will agree):


    - Tavernier (probably most controversial, but I think is still capable in the right team)

    - Goldson

    - Yilmaz (although I am struggling to see why we spent such a large amount of money on him)

    - Rankin

    - Cantwell

    - Jack

    - Matondo (I actually think when he gains confidence he may be worth something)

    - Colak (Not first pick but not a bad squad player)


    Thats seven players, not sure if I missed any. We have a lot of work to do.


  3. 2 minutes ago, compo said:

    Let’s be honest if that first goal was scored by a Rangers player we would be telling everyone what a goal fantastic shot world class 

    I would be happy to give him credit for the goal, but it was a fluke. He didn’t look at the goal once, he looked across at the players running in to the box and then put his head down and kicked the ball.

  4. 12 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    On this showing none of 11 are showing anything to suggest they should be here next season. 

    Don't think you can say that about players who have just come in the last window and are having to play with serial losers.

  5. Even if we come back from this Beale has to make wholesale changes. It won't be acceptable if 9 of the 11 are playing first team football next season. I haven't changed my mind, these guys are serial losers and we need to isolate our new signings from them as soon as possible as it's a contagious disease. 

  6. I’m on holiday in Cyprus and had the opportunity for lunch in a taverna on the beach or watch the game. I took the lunch thank fuck. Seriously, get rid of them all, there is a loser disease spreading amongst our players, Raskin and Cantwell should be quarantined until they are gone. Start again with players that don’t expect to lose.

  7. 1 hour ago, craig said:

    Our right back also has, what, 50 penalties ?  Those need to at least be factored in

    They are factored in, Morelos doesn't have the technique to take them it appears, Tav does.


    I won't particularly miss his European contributions because his domestic form was often found wanting. Let's face it, he had some mega purple patches in his time here, but too often he's shown a lack of motivation, and a lack of respect for the club.

  8. 14 hours ago, buster. said:

    One of few post WWII players to score more than 115 goals for the club yet it could have been so much better.


    The club reportedly turned down bids. At the AGM, Ross Wilson said there had only been 1 bid for him. Can't blame him for that.

    Yeah, but our right back isn’t far behind him in terms of goals and the league quality is absolutely crap. Honestly, it should have been so much more. When he leaves I won’t feel any great regret.

  9. Colaks goals return is incredible really, the most Morelos has scored in the league is 17, Colak is already on 13 despite missing a large amount of games.


    Agree with Jack too, needs to stay. I also would like McGregor to be a part of the dressing room. Reserve player/coach role of need be. We need to retain Scottish identity and we need players who understand what it should mean to play for Rangers.

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