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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. 1 hour ago, onevision said:

    I think most folk are content with the overall improved performance rather than the result. I know i am.

    I guess so. I just think it is incredibly disappointing to have a slender one goal lead after playing against 10 men. We know have to go away from home and either draw or win against the same team with 11 men, it's going to be hard and the thing is there was no need for it to be.

  2. 5 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Nope, writing nothing off - unlike others. 

    It's your standard response to anyone questioning anything, "so you're just writing them off?". There is a whole range of opinions and most of them aren't all or nothing. The off season signings have been exciting, but also I have been concerned about the level of some players we have been spending significant money on. The pre-season was very poor and we have now failed our first test (and in our league that may well already be our death knell). Things do not look good at the moment and people are rightly frustrated and asking questions, because it's a shitshow that we brought in so many players and fucked that up.

  3. 2 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    So we write of the entire season? We write of the manager and players? 


    Just had Celtic the treble and not bother with the remainder of the season? 


    It's only you talking about writing off a season mate.

  4. 16 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    But with the budget we have, that's the type of players we have to take punts on. 


    We don't have the finance to attract proven players, they'll attract fees and wages way above our means. 


    Instead of "judging" them on a couple of friendlies and 1 league game, maybe give them time to settle in. 

    The players have had a very poor pre-season and have now failed at the very first hurdle. We are now trailing Celtic by 3 points. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking valid questions of the players and the manager. We made very early signings so that we could be prepared for the first game of the season and we have fucked it mate, we fucked it.


  5. Just now, CammyF said:

    So you've written off all our forward players (with the exception of Danilo) on the basis of a couple of friendlies and 1 competitive game? 


    Go check the fees clubs have paid for Dessers, Lammers and Sima. 

    People aren't always writing off the players. Valid questions are being asked. The off season has been very exciting, but again warnings have been said about the types of players we are signing. Some have really suspect histories and the idea they will simply turn it around at Ibrox does not convince me.

  6. Just now, Tannochsidebear said:

    Cantwell and Yilmaz cost another goal. Very sloppy. No pace in the game at all, which is fairly typical for a friendly, but as a football match it’s pretty awful to watch. 

    First chance to see Sima, Dessers, Lammers from the start and was looking forward to seeing them but the game is so poor they’ve not been in it much. 

    We look very easy to pass through, and balls in behind seem to always find an unmarked man. 

    Every ball over the top of our defence is a scare, we can't deal with it.

  7. I only caught parts of the match last night, but Dowell seemed to put himself about quite a bit I thought, worked hard in defence, not just attacking. 

    The main thing that stood out to me was that Hagi seemed like the best player on the pitch, whenever I caught up with the game it was Hagi with an intelligent cross or pass, creating something.

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