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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. 19 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Lost point total in last 4 seasons.


    Finished further behind them than last season despite being ahead entering the final stage off the season. 


    Hard to see any positives - we are worse than we were at this point last season.


    Last 10 games form below .



    This is mainly because Beale had an absolute shitshow of a summer transfer window though. It's not a wonder we are worse off, it's because we made a terrible mistake. 

  2. 1 minute ago, CammyF said:

    Clement - but it doesn't show he is performing miracles. His overall PPG is slightly above MBs. Was MB performing miracles last season? 


    The manager deserves time, but like MB and Gio there are worrying trends developing. His reluctance to change his style (tactics), his reluctance to select a consistent starting 11. 


    Lose the SCF and fall behind early next season and the writing will be on the wall.

    Beale made an arse of the transfer window and we've paid for that with the season.

  3. There are honestly very few I would keep, it's too hard to select just 5. And some of the players like Jack and Tav, I love them, but we need to freshen up and bring in a new mentality and ensure we aren't signing injury prone players in the future, I don't think it has ever worked for us.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Fa1833 said:

    Haha you don’t say but at least him and Butland are saying it ! It will be interesting to see what PC says about Sterlings comments 🤣🤣





    He is saying exactly what I believe is happening. There are players in the squad that have cultivated this frail mentality and we need to cut them loose.

  5. 1 hour ago, CammyF said:

    So we sell Tav and magically we become successfully? 


    All out ills are down to Tav and Tav alone? 


    Tav time is coming to an end, but can think of at least a dozen players who deserved to be chopped before him.


    (Disclaimer - I have said on numerous occasions that if the Saudi interst in Tav is genuine than we have to sell him z but we can't force him to leave). 

    No one said we will magically become successful, come on....

  6. 52 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    How dare you have the audacity to mention that Tav could / should be here next season 😁


    Read the room - he, along with Lundstrum and Goldson are the modern day equivalent to witches and must be treated as such.

    How long are you willing to accept failure? I have backed them all the way, particularly Tav who I think is a fantastic football player. The reality is that they have returned little in way of trophies for the club. At some point you have to change things, you have to say that enough is enough.

  7. 7 hours ago, CammyF said:

    What can you do with them? Their high wages will exclude most clubs for buying them? 


    Goldson, Tav, Lawrence, Dowell, Cantwell, Dessers, Lammers, Hagi, Ridvan, Wright etc are not going to take a pay cut to go and play at Grimsby.


    There are a significant number of players out of contract in the summer and it's safe to assume none of them will be renewed. 


    Still leaves us with a chunk of players who we are stuck with. 


    3 options - play them and hope that they'll improve with better players around them, pay them off or relegate them to the bench. 


    What doesn't help is moving players on (Kent, Morelos, Kamera, Helander etc) and replacing them with inferior quality.



    If you can’t sell them and they aren’t good enough then you don’t play them and you still look for replacements. I honestly think their mentality seeps through the squad and infects new players. Look at what’s happened to Cantwell and Raskin for instance, they were completely different players when they first joined. I actually said this a year ago, the mentality gets spread through the new signings like a virus and everyone just ends up believing we can’t beat Celtic. I really think we do need a clean break fro, most of these players. 

    Or we can just keep playing them and accept we will be second best.

  8. 8 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Because its easier to believe that getting rid of the mainstays of the team will magically solve all our problems.


    It's simplistic - we haven't won much with them so if we get rid of them, we'll starting winning trophies. 


    As you say, utter nonsense. 

    You can’t keep repeating the same thing expecting different results. Some players have more than had their chance, no matter how much I actually like them, at some point you have to admit to yourself that they have some sort of mentality problem that is stopping them from achieving.

  9. What I don't get is that we've looked completely knackered for weeks now, since the last Euro games. So many of our players look like they need a long rest. Is that because of the shite fitness regime the last two seasons, or is it a shite fitness regime now?

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