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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Mine was a genuine question, is there VAR?
  2. Yeeee! No idea how it went in but it's a fucking goal!!
  3. Dessers showing his killer instinct at that corner....
  4. The time for judging Clement will be after the summer. If he goes into next year relying on the same losers then he'll deserve everything he gets. He has more than enough quality history to suggest he isn't the problem here and is due some time. I'm not particularly enamoured with his winter signings but it's a tough window.
  5. This is mainly because Beale had an absolute shitshow of a summer transfer window though. It's not a wonder we are worse off, it's because we made a terrible mistake.
  6. I can barely think of anyone worth keeping in our current squad.
  7. We should almost certainly be taking a punt on young SPL players with a deal to keep them at their club for game time. We need much more of a long term view, one problem since coming back up is that we have had such a short term view to try and stop ten in a row. None of the strikers we signed last summer are good enough in my view. Crazy how much we spent on players to end up in a same or worse position than we were in before. It's been the major problem of our season. Dessers has a decent goal tally when looking at the figures, but watching him and knowing how many chances he has spurned paints a different picture. Not good enough to rely on as our main striker, but potentially useful as a squad player. Clements signings have been a mixed bag too, I am not convinced by Diomande however he still has time to develop into a useful player, 4.5 million of a player though? I'm not sure. Cortes looked quality in the brief time we saw him, but many players initially shine and then settle into mediocrity. He could still go either way but he is the most exciting signing of recent times for me. Silva is dump, I cannot believe his price tag. Jesus. For me, it's time to say goodbye to Tav, Goldson and Lundstrum, and whoever else I may be missing that have been at the club too long. Great players in terms of their skills, but a broken mentality. Souttar isn't good enough in my view, he has a major mistake in him every game. Yilmaz is injured too often to rely on. I'd keep Sima but he isn't ours. I mean, we are really in a shockingly poor state. Clement is going to have to perform miracles in the transfer market to turn this around.
  8. Beale made an arse of the transfer window and we've paid for that with the season.
  9. The club hasn't regressed with Clement. I'm scratching my head with some selections but at the same time his hands have been tightly bound. We need a serious clear out, but Clement deserves to oversee it.
  10. A large amount is bottle in my opinion. We have some of the best players in the league, but time after time they completely shit themselves during this fixture. Really need to somehow clear out the squad.
  11. I just want to thank Silva for giving me a good laugh this weekend, genuinely made me laugh out loud. Great result, let's start putting a run of form together now and at the least put pressure on Celtic.
  12. There are honestly very few I would keep, it's too hard to select just 5. And some of the players like Jack and Tav, I love them, but we need to freshen up and bring in a new mentality and ensure we aren't signing injury prone players in the future, I don't think it has ever worked for us.
  13. Yeah, there is a difference between a club captain who has presided over years of being second best saying it, and a young player who has only been at the club a while.
  14. He is saying exactly what I believe is happening. There are players in the squad that have cultivated this frail mentality and we need to cut them loose.
  15. No one said we will magically become successful, come on....
  16. How long are you willing to accept failure? I have backed them all the way, particularly Tav who I think is a fantastic football player. The reality is that they have returned little in way of trophies for the club. At some point you have to change things, you have to say that enough is enough.
  17. If you can’t sell them and they aren’t good enough then you don’t play them and you still look for replacements. I honestly think their mentality seeps through the squad and infects new players. Look at what’s happened to Cantwell and Raskin for instance, they were completely different players when they first joined. I actually said this a year ago, the mentality gets spread through the new signings like a virus and everyone just ends up believing we can’t beat Celtic. I really think we do need a clean break fro, most of these players. Or we can just keep playing them and accept we will be second best.
  18. You can’t keep repeating the same thing expecting different results. Some players have more than had their chance, no matter how much I actually like them, at some point you have to admit to yourself that they have some sort of mentality problem that is stopping them from achieving.
  19. If he has I'm backing Clement, get rid of the players.
  20. What I don't get is that we've looked completely knackered for weeks now, since the last Euro games. So many of our players look like they need a long rest. Is that because of the shite fitness regime the last two seasons, or is it a shite fitness regime now?
  21. Will someone wake me from this recurring nightmare?
  22. We can do it but I have no confidence we will do it.
  23. Thats actually true, but I'm not sure that was the reason. I think Cortes is a huge miss for us.
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