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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Glad he’s walking, but doesn’t look in a good way. Don’t like to see it.
  2. Hope he’s ok now, just our luck to find a goalscorer who then gets injured whilst scoring a goal.
  3. It's the biggest failing of his so far. He has spent so much money and brought in 9 new players. However, he doesn't seem to trust them at all, if that persists then it's damning.
  4. I am thinking in the interest of the club, we may damage our reputation by not giving managers time to get things right. It's a self inflicted wound because generally our selection of managers has been dire.
  5. I haven't voted and I'm on the side of thinking Beale can't turn this around. However, I'm concerned we are becoming a poisoned chalice, eventually most managers will not consider us worth the risk. On paper, when you look at Gio's sacking it looks quite extreme (although we all know how poor our domestic form was), he had just taken us to the Europa League final. Only Gerrard has had any sort of longevity in recent seasons and I think a lot of potential managers will look at that and wonder if it's worth risking their career over. In a way I feel the board has to give Beale time so that we don't look like a basket case club that sacks managers on a whim. It's not a great position to be in.
  6. It kind of a bummer when I look at that squad and think what we spent in the summer. All that optimism wiped out. The defence looks very shaky if there are any injuries, and the forwards is chock full of players we don't play.
  7. What was the wild exaggeration? That we will be much worse off? I never said anything about Rangers fortunes, that’s your exaggeration mate. I just think getting rid of our best left back would be extremely daft with no back-up plan. I’m not impressed by the current backup.
  8. In my opinion I haven't seen anything of Ridvan to make me think he will be a suitable replacement for Barasic. If Barasic leaves then we will be much worse off.
  9. Massive problem if true, and will only make our football more dour to watch.
  10. The board are ina very tricky position now, he’s lost the fans but can the board really sack him after a handful of games in the season? I don’t think Beale can turn this around, but also I’m not sure that the board have the evidence yet that it isn’t going to work.
  11. No he’s not, he’s joined….. Santos.
  12. Unfortunately I think most can see that it will be very difficult, if not impossible for Beale to turn this around. It's damning when you can't trust your most expensive signings to play in your most difficult games. However, I dont think there is enough evidence of failure for the board to do something about it yet. For sure they should question Beale about the financial outlay on players who aren't getting time, but I think a sacking is a little way down the road yet. We are in a very strong position to win the League Cup, I think the board will at least wait to see how that plays out first. It's a worrying time though, for sure.
  13. Our 3 new strikers, that we shelled out god knows how much on, scored a grand total of 26 goals in 114 games between them last season. Why did anyone think they were going to turn around that kind of statistic? Fucking mental.
  14. Claiming Dessers was fouled is a completely wild take to be honest.
  15. This is the thing for me, Celtic we’re awful, truly the most awful Celtic team I’ve seen in a long time, and our players and manager let us down.
  16. He had given the goal initially, but it isn’t unusual for refs to let the goal occur and use VAR as the safety blanket.
  17. If you make contact with a player like that whilst you aren’t in control of the ball, arm on shoulder and tangling the feet then there is every opportunity for the ref to call a foul. I think it was soft but calling it cheating is nonsensical to me.
  18. No chance Beale is going after that. He'll hang on and potentially even win the League Cup, but I think if we get beat in that then it'll be game over for him.
  19. If I remember right Beale had a bad time at QPR for the last month or so. They were probably secretly delighted we paid for him. 6 points from 12 available is a disaster.
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