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Everything posted by PoohBear

  1. Roofe makes such a difference. Can we give him a new contract?
  2. Yyeyeyeyeyeeyeysysysysysysysysysysysysysysysysysyssy
  3. Pellegrini looks like he’s crying every time the camera is on him. Might be because he’s forced to watch this.
  4. Is there a way to get a dark mode for the forum?
  5. I think Matondo's done ok, he's isolated but been our most dangerous man by far.
  6. Tav and Barasic getting hammered on the wing. Cifu over hitting every pass he makes. Long ball, is it a tactic or a panic? Matondo looking ok but isolated. Nice little move on the 30 min mark but we need to capitalise. Not sure this Betis team are that good either.
  7. Aside from that Matondo moment we look wank. Getting absolutely carved up on the wings.
  8. Holy shit at that team. Beale can fuck right off with his new signings, what's the point?
  9. One of our 15 forwards will have to play in midfield instead.
  10. Neither are in control of the ball. I think it’s an extremely soft pen, but it’s nothing like the Dessers one and people are scrambling to make a point that isn’t there.
  11. I don't think it's a penalty, but it's not comparable with the Dessers one. Neither player is in control of the ball.
  12. He seems to be one of our most dangerous players, if we can’t find out how to use him then something is very wrong.
  13. Couple of things: Sima, way better today and actually looks like a football player. Matondo is extremely dangerous, I think he should be starting. Roofe is massively important. Lammers is shite, what the actual fuck
  14. Danilo with a compound fracture. Fucking he'll, unbelievable. Hope he is ok.
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