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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. I really don't get why people aren't agreeing that the board are making severe, dire errors? It's been obvious over many years now, even their appointment of DoFs is riddled with errors. They really need some consultation with experienced parties before appointing anyone else.


    Personally I think the appointment of a new manager at this stage will just put a plaster over our problems and the plaster will come off again at the start of next season. I think we are missing much more than a new manager.


    - We need a complete clear out of the squad, I thought this was happening during the off season but I was dismayed to realise that the same players that have failed year on year still make up the bulk of our first team for our games this season. A huge failure, and I still can't get my head around getting rid of Colek who was our most efficient striker.

    - We need to re-establish what it means to be Rangers within our dressing room. How do we do that? I believe we absolutely need to revert this snobbery of overlooking the best Scottish talent. Beale should be sacked alone for his remarks about Scottish players not being good enough and then signing Dessers and Lammers. Not only are these players a long way from the required ability we need, they are a long way from understanding what Rangers are. We need to start bringing in the best Scottish players again, and maybe the best Scottish coaches.


    I could rant all day actually, but I have to make scrambled eggs for my kids now.



  2. Just now, Gonzo79 said:



    I think you're trying to say we should just give in then, in a round about way.


    I still think bringing in a new manager will provide us with improved performances and results.

    Which manager are you going to bring in? We can’t just bring in a manager who will provide us with improved performances and results, that is not enough. When I said the other day that I would prefer McInnes to Beale I was roundly slagged off. To be clear, I don’t want McInnes, but he would get us improved performances and results I have no doubt. 

    What we really need is the correct appointment, someone who can win us the league, someone experienced who isn’t another gamble. Every single appointment since Smith has been a fucking gamble. The problem is that we have made our club completely undesirable to anyone with any sort of pedigree.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    No - it does not make sense to me. 

    I’ll ask again what exactly doesn’t make sense to you though? Saying “all of it” is a cop out. What is it that you don’t agree with? You don’t agree that we have become somewhat of a poisoned chalice for managers?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:



    You are supporting the board's cowardice.  I have no idea why.


    A brave board would have already sacked Beale.  


    I'm convinced only Tims and nutcases want Beale anywhere near Ibrox.  

    We sacked a guy that got us to the Europa league final and won a cup. No matter what you or I think of his abilities, it’s not a good look. We will then sack the next manager less than a year later, a manager who has the highest win rate in rangers history (I believe?).


    Regardless of the errors of the board and whether the managers were the correct choices, it’s a terrible look for any potential manger. In my opinion. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    All of it. :D


    It's damaging to sack managers, so we should stick with a failing manager? 


    It doesn't make sense.

    I think it makes sense that sacking someone 4 games into the season is a terrible look. Coupled with the fact we sacked a manager who reached the Europa League final, I think we look like an awful proposition for most managers. We are a career killer of a club at the moment and we don't give the manager time.


    Not only that, but the crowd are blood thirty as fuck, why would anyone risk is at the moment?

  6. It's not humble pie to have not wanted Beale to be sacked. I voted no but at the same time I'm not fond of Beale and I had little hope of him turning it around. However, I think it's damaging to our club to be sacking a manger a few games into the season, personally I believe it will turn off a lot of potential targets. Now, it's clear he isn't going to be able to turn it around. 

    But I don't think anyone should be eating humble pie.

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