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Posts posted by PoohBear

  1. 2 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Or just make stuff up, like Davis is going to be the permanent manager... ? 👀 

    Ah well now, if we are getting this pedantic, I never said that Davis was going to be permanent manager. However, do I think if everything went swimmingly for Davis in the two games before the break the board might be swayed to keep him on longer to see how he does? Yeah, I do think that was a distinct possibility. Now we know that won’t happen though after last night.

  2. Also, whatever Davis has done for us in the past, he wasn't the right man to bring in even temporarily. The blame lies squarely on the board for doing this, but you can't expect someone who has been friends with these players and played through similar periods with them to be able to give the harsh words that are required.

  3. 1 minute ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

    Would be as well taking our time over the manager appointment.


    New manager is gonna be able to do fuck all until some of the better players are back and even when he can trade his own.


    Taking over soon will just result in him having a horror start and risking the fans turning on him.

    We beat Real Betis. I think we can get through this group with the right manager. But I agree that it has to be a very good manager. No project will get us through this.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Blue Moon said:

    That was incredibly disappointing.  Davis has basically picked the same bunch of losers and failed to replace some of them early enough.  Followed the same loser tactics as Beale.  Haven't read the thread.  

    I know people will hate me for saying this, but Beale shouldn't have been sacked before a European game. He should of course have been sacked, but there was a period in the break to do it.

  5. Just now, Devil's advocaat said:

    No idea why people are suggesting other players would have been better, its a moot point, we've no system, no style, you could put Messi in there, no one running off him would see him useless as well.


    The only positive, it's clear there's not going to be a 'bounce', hopefully this will focus the board.

    I hear you, but I massively disagree. Put better players on the pitch and there is a far higher chance we would succeed. A major part of the problem is that Beale has replaced players with poorer ones. 

  6. After that display I think the only option the board has is to bring in a top manager. Someone the fans can really back and get behind. I don't think any manager with a slim track record will be afforded the time to turn this around. 

    This is not a time for risks, this is a time for the board to pull something spectacular out the hat and prove they can move us forward.

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